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  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. Seya Ward Top Page
  3. Introduction of the ward
  4. Project commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Seya Ward System
  5. Video message "I Love Seya Ward Message" commemorating the 50th anniversary of Seya constituency system

Here's the text.

Video message "I Love Seya Ward Message" commemorating the 50th anniversary of Seya constituency system

Last Updated October 31, 2019

"I Love Seya Ward Message" has been released!

People who have a connection with Seya Ward gave me memories of Seya Ward and messages of congratulations to the residents of the city.

Everyone who cooperated with "I Love Seya Ward Message"

・ Professional soccer player Yuzo Kurihara
・ Para Athletics athlete Tomoki Takawa
・ Professional boxer Mr. Yaegashi Higashi
・ New Otsuchi Fishery Cooperatives
・ Singer May J. Sir

Inquiries to this page

Seya Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division

Telephone: 045-367-5710

Telephone: 045-367-5710

Fax: 045-365-5718

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Page ID: 268-094-067

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