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[2] Targets and policies for community development by district (1) Toyoda district

Last Updated October 15, 2018

The current situation, issues, and theme-specific policies described in the previous chapter are divided into seven districts and nine around Hongodai Station, and Ofuna Station, referring to the division of the Union Neighborhood Associations.

※Due to statistics, it is classified by the town world, so there are parts that are slightly different from the area of the Union Neighborhood Associations.

(1) Toyoda

Toyoda(Image: 104KB)
Fig. III-2-1 Toyoda Area Policy


  • Along the Tokaido Line, the east side is mainly a densely populated wooden houses, and the west side is a factory area. In addition, Tayacho, Kanaimachi, etc., relatively large amount of farmland remains, and large-scale paddy fields can be seen.
  • Although the population is declining in most towns, apartment development has progressed in Iijima-cho, the number of young people has flowed in and the population is increasing. Residents have lived for a relatively long period of time, with 30.2% for 20 to 30 years and 23.2% for more than 30 years (2000 Sakae Ward Public Awareness Survey).
  • There is "(tentative name) Sakae interchange Junction" maintenance plan of Yokohama ring south line, and it is necessary to examine reorganization of farmland around Taya or harmony with living environment. In addition, Yokohama Fujisawa Line is planned in the form of crossing district.
  • To the east of the Kashio River, there are the Toyoda District Center and the Toyoda Community Care Plaza.
  • In Tayacho, Kanaimachi, and Nagaodai-cho, green spaces are integrated with temples and shrines and historic sites. In addition, there are waterside environments such as Sekiya River and Kashio River, and there is Shimin-no-Mori in Iijima-cho.

◆Goals for Community Development in Toyoda

A town that maintains and develops agricultural and industrial production environments and makes use of historical local resources

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