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List of Public Relations Videos (Water Works Bureau)

This video introduces the structure of water supply and the efforts of Water Works Bureau.

Last Updated August 5, 2024


In City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau, as part of a social studies study program for fourth-year elementary school students in Yokohama, Water Works Bureau employees go to school and conduct on-site water supply classes through programs such as filtration experiments and Water Works Bureau work.
It is a video that matches the contents of the delivery water supply classroom.

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Let's learn about the structure of water purification plants

We study the mechanism of the water purification plant through "filtration experiment". In addition, there is an interview with the staff of the water purification plant.

9 minutes 05 seconds (external site)


A green dam that nurtures water
Let's learn the work of water source forests~
We study the work of water source forests through experiments of "green dams". In addition, there is an interview with the staff of the Water Source Forest Management Office.6 minutes and 20 seconds (external site)2021/04/01
Where does the water come from?I will study Water Works Bureau's work with Water Works Bureau character Hama Pyeong. In addition, there is an interview with the staff of the Construction Section.7 minutes 32 seconds (external site)2021/04/01

This video learns how water becomes tap water that can be drunk at home with the City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau character "Hama Pyeong".

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Tell me, Hama Pyeong Z19 minutes 29 seconds (external site)2020/02/03
Nishiya Water Purification Plant Guide16 minutes 20 seconds (external site)2020/02/03
Nishiya Water Purification Plant Guide (with sign language)

16 minutes 17 seconds (external site)2020/02/03
Kosuzume Purifiction Plant Guide18 minutes 57 seconds (external site)2020/02/03
Kosuzume Purifiction Plant Guide (with sign language)19 minutes 01 seconds (external site)2020/02/03

In preparation for disasters, City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau is asking households and businesses to store 3 liters of drinking water per person and 9 liters of drinking water per day for three days.
In order to publicize how to secure drinking water in the event of a disaster, we created a video in cooperation with Iwasaki Gakuen Yokohama Digital Arts College. Please take a look.

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Disaster Countermeasures in City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau Drinking water in the event of a disasterVideo about how to secure drinking water in the event of a disaster4 minutes 58 seconds (external site)2021/04/01

You can stock up with just a little ingenuity! Introduction of Rolling Stock Method

Video introducing the Rolling Stock Method

1 minute 37 seconds (external site)2018/09/03

For the future water supply

City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau revised water rates in July 2021.
In this video, we made it to tell the citizens about the current situation and issues of the water supply business in Yokohama City and the future direction, and to let them know why the fee will be revised at this time.
Related page "[Special] Water Rate Revision"

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For the future water supply9 minutes and 45 seconds (external site)2020/11/18

Video Water Works Bureau's business situation

In order to encourage customers to be interested in the structure of water rates and the management status of Water Works Bureau, City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau has created images from the customer's point of view in collaboration with Iwasaki Gakuen Yokohama Digital Arts College. Please take a look at the works created by Iwasaki Gakuen.

TitleTime requiredURL(YouTube)Date of publication
1. The future of our water supply1 minute and 18 seconds (external site)2018/01/16
2. Is the water charge high?0 minutes 49 seconds (external site)2018/01/16
3. How is the water bill used?1 minute 08 seconds (external site)2018/01/16
4. When will the water pipe be replaced?1 minute 00 seconds (external site)2018/01/16
5. Is water charge income increasing? Is it decreasing?1 minute 41 seconds (external site)2018/03/23
The future of our water supply [overall version]5 minutes 58 seconds (external site)2018/03/23

Michishi Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, one of the water source ponds in Yokohama. Water intake from the Doshi River began in 1897 (Meiji 30). To protect water quality, we acquired a forest in Michishi Village in 1916 and are still managed by City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau.

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To protect the forest of Doshi Water Source Forest is to protect water.Video introducing the work of water source forests and efforts to protect water source forests.6 minutes 25 seconds (external site)2021/07/15

Did you know that the history of modern water supply in Japan began in Yokohama in Meiji 20 (1887).
Water supply that has supported the development of Yokohama behind the scenes ... 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, safe water to tomorrow. Why don't you look back on the path of the modern water supply in Yokohama while watching the video?

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The path to the creation of modern waterworks

Along with the exhibition materials of the closed Yokohama Water Supply Memorial Hall, a video that looks back on the path of modern water supply creation.5 minutes 39 seconds (external site)2023/4/3
The History of Yokohama's modern waterworksA video (English version) that looks back on the path of the modern water supply, along with the exhibition materials of the closed Yokohama Water Supply Memorial Hall.5 minutes 39 seconds (external site)2023/4/3
From now on, safe water to tomorrowFrom the foundation of the modern water supply to the present, an image video that conveys the thoughts of Yokohama water supply30 seconds (external site)2023/4/3
Safe, clean water for tomorrowImage video (English version) that conveys the thoughts of Yokohama Water Supply from the foundation of the modern water supply to the present30 seconds (outside site)2023/4/3
From now on, safe water to tomorrow (short video)From the foundation of the modern water supply to the present, an image video that conveys the thoughts of Yokohama water supply15 seconds (external site)2024/7/24
Yokohama Water Supply 130 Years-Safety with Everyone to the Future

A video that traces the history of 130 years since the establishment of modern waterworks
※Contents are as of FY2017

17 minutes 21 seconds (external site)


Our Water (City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau Cultural Movie: released in 1948)

Black and white film (silence) showing the state of the water supply business in the early Showa 20s25 minutes 15 seconds (external site)2023/12/15

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PR of City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau's technology succession

Video showing Water Works Bureau's efforts to pass on technology.

54 seconds (external site)2021/07/15

Recruitment of Yokohama City Staff "Waterworks Technician" web seminar

Web version of employment briefing sessions, such as the role of water supply technical staff, rewarding, main work and workplace atmosphere, etc.

4 minutes 35 seconds (external site)2020/07/06
Recruitment of Yokohama-shi staff "water supply technical staff"Video recommending taking the Yokohama City Staff Recruitment Examination (Water Technology)2 minutes 00 seconds (external site)2020/06/25

Yokohama water promotion video for overseas

Utilizing the technology and know-how cultivated as the birthplace of modern water supply in Japan, City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau is collaborating with Yokohama Water Co., Ltd. to conduct international cooperation mainly in Asia and Africa.

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Growth Depends on Water(6 min.)

Yokohama Water Supply Promotion Video for Overseas (English)

6 minutes 21 seconds (external site)

Growth Depends on Water(10 min.)10 minutes 36 seconds (external site)

Water Week ~ Let's think about water ~

This is a publicity video of "Water Week" aired on the Train Vision of Soutetsu Line, Yokohama Municipal Subway from June 1 to June 7, 2020.

What is the Water Week?

Through various public relations activities conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, prefectural governments, and other municipalities, water utilities, etc., we deepen our understanding of the current situation and issues of water supply for each level of people, and cooperate in future water supply business initiatives.

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Water Week ~ Let's think about water ~

Public relations video of "Water Week" aired on the train vision of Yokohama Municipal Subway and Soutetsu Line during the period from June 1 to June 7, 2020.

0 minutes 30 seconds (external site)


Introduction of Kawai Purification Plant Redevelopment Project (Created by Metawater Co., Ltd.)

This video was created by Metawater Co., Ltd., a representative company of a PFI operator in charge of the redevelopment project of the Kawai Water Purification Plant (design, construction, maintenance and management of water purification plant facilities).

TitleExplanationTime requiredURL(YouTube)Date of publication

City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau Kawai Purification Plant Cerarocca

<metawater-channel [Metawater Co., Ltd.] Channel>
This video introduces the Kawai Purification Plant redevelopment project, the largest membrane filtration facility in Japan.
In addition, we will introduce the efforts of the Water Source Eco Project [W-eco p] to conduct the water source forest conservation in Michishi Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, which is the water source of Yokohama City.

10 minutes 57 seconds (external site)2020/06/11

For inquiries regarding water supply, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center.

Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center

Telephone: 045-847-6262 Fax: 045-848-4281
※Please be careful not to make a mistake.

Inquiries to this page

Water Works Bureau Business Promotion Department

Telephone: 045-671-3084

Phone: 045-671-3084

Fax: 045-212-1169

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