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Yokohama SDGs Certification System “Y-SDGs”

Yokohama City certifies businesses and organizations working toward achieving the SDGs, which will lead to further promotion of initiatives.

Last Updated June 17, 2024

Application Acceptance Schedule for FY2024

In FY2024, applications will be accepted twice in the first half (around July-August) and the second half (around December to January).
Details will be announced on this page, the Yokohama SDGs Design Center website ( (external site)), the Design Center e-mail magazine, etc.

Purpose and Points to keep in mind

This system aims to enable business operators and others to utilize the certification system to work on the SDGs, to switch to sustainable management and operation, expand new customers and business partners, and to utilize investors and financial institutions to make ESG investments and other investment decisions.
Leaflet (PDF: 1,774KB)

Points to keep in mind regarding certification applications

Oh About application for certification in the Group
As a general rule, the application for certification is applied on a per-person basis. However, if you wish to certify in a group, please specify all the names of businesses you wish to authenticate in the group in the applicant's name and apply. In addition, when applying in a group, only the content that all businesses wishing to certify in the group will be evaluated, so please describe only the contents that all businesses are working on.
Oh Rank up
If you have already obtained certification and wish to apply for a rank-up (apply for obtaining a higher level certification), you will need to have a prior interview, so please apply from the Y-SDGs authentication system "Location Up Application" Please apply. If you apply for a rank-up, and as a result of the evaluation and examination do not result in the rank increase, no new certification will be made. (The rank and certification period remain the original certification.)

Guidebook on SDGs Initiatives and System Utilization

Y-SDGs approach introduction sheet (Introduction of certification acquirer's efforts.)

9th edition (Updated on September 28, 2023)
[Leader top] Supreme Certification Acquirer Initiatives Introduction Sheet (PDF: 11,845KB)
[Leader] Introduction Sheet for Superior Certification Objector Initiatives (PDF: 14,884KB)
[Standard] Introduction Sheet for Standard Certification Acquisition (PDF: 22,299KB)

Update company target setting sheet

With the expiration of the certification period, we have released a “target setting sheet” created by businesses that have renewed the certification.
1st renewal company (PDF: 998KB) (Updated on December 1, 2022)
2nd update company (PDF: 2,012KB) (updated on April 1, 2023)
3rd update company (PDF: 968KB) (Updated on July 1, 2023)
4th update company (PDF: 1,664KB) (Updated on October 13, 2023)
5th update company (PDF: 1,894KB) (Updated on December 25, 2023)
The 6th update company (PDF: 1,473KB) (updated on April 5, 2024)

Yokohama City SDGs Certification System “Y-SDGs” Utilization Guidebook

The Yokohama SDGs Design Center and member companies, Y-SDGs Financial Task Force member organizations, and members of the Y-SDGs Financial Task Force (prepared in March 2023) to introduce financial products and non-financial services provided by Yokohama City, Yokohama SDGs Design Center, member companies, and Y-SDGs Financial Task Force member organizations.
Yokohama City SDGs Certification System “Y-SDGs” Utilization Guidebook (PDF: 2,486KB)

Businesses who are willing to contribute to the realization of SDGs Future City and the achievement of SDGs
(Company, various groups, NPOs, social movement groups, etc.)
※In addition to registering as a member of the Yokohama SDGs Design Center, there are several requirements for application.

Evaluation Items and Certification Category

Evaluations are conducted in four fields in environmental, social, governance, and regional areas, and certify them in three categories according to the status of efforts in each evaluation item.

Description of the three certification categories

Certification Period

4 years (until the first March 31 after the date four years have passed since the certification date)
※During the period, it is also possible to apply again (rank-up application) with the aim of obtaining a higher level of certification.

Fees for certification

Free of charge

Procedure Flow

Certification benefits

①The certification mark can be displayed on business cards, corporate websites, etc.
②We publicize certification business name and approach contents on homepages of Yokohama-shi and Yokohama SDGs design center.
③Priority participation in various matching events and seminars held by the Yokohama SDGs Design Center.
④In the evaluation item of the "Yokohama City Comprehensive Evaluation Bidding Method", additional points will be added.
 (3 points for Supreme, 2 points for Superior and 1 point for Standard.)
⑤You can receive preferential interest rates and credit guarantee fees by the Yokohama City Small and Medium Enterprise Loan Program "SDGs Yokohama Fund".
⑥Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. provides support such as advice corresponding to evaluation items. (For details, please refer to the guidance document (PDF: 331KB).)
⑦Suruga Bank will provide a living support service for foreigners and a referral service for foreign recruitment menus. (Paid and benefits)
⑧By city capital investment, we may be able to use local reproduction support interest replenishment system. (5 years, up to 0.7% of interest replenishment)
⑨MS&AD InterRisk Research Institute, Ltd. will provide a simplified CO2 emissions calculation tool. (Free for the first year, paid if you wish to continue for the second year.)
⑩Usually only companies to which 100 or more employees belong can use the "Social Contribution-type Workplace Sales Site" service, regardless of the number of employees.

Application method

※From FY2023, the application method has been online.
After registering as a member of the Yokohama SDGs Design Center, log in to the member on the website of the Center, proceed to the Y-SDGs Certification System from My Page and apply.
※You will not be able to use this system outside the application period. (You can apply for a rank-up interview.)
※For information on how to use the system, please check the Yokohama SDGs Design Center website (external site).
Operation Manual for Y-SDGs Authentication System (PDF: 2,633KB)

Outline, etc.

“Y-SDGs Project Implementation Guidelines” (PDF: 428KB) “Y-SDGs Project Implementation Guidelines”
(No. 2 style) Yokohama City SDGs Certification "Y-SDGs" check sheet (PDF: 577KB)
(No. 2 Form 2) Yokohama City SDGs Certification “Y-SDGs” check sheet (Replaced version) ※For applications such as social movement groups (PDF: 554KB)
※Authentication application will be made online using the Y-SDGs authentication system.

(Reference) About Yokohama Grand Slam Company Award 

Y-SDGs are eligible for the "Yokohama Grand Slam Company Award".
What is the Yokohama Grand Slam Company Award? The four certification and certification systems (Yokohama-style community contribution companies, Yokohama Good Balance Company (former Yokohama Good Balance Award), Yokohama Health Management Certification, and Yokohama SDGs Certification System "Y-SDGs"), Yokohama Health Management Certification, and Yokohama SDGs Certification System "Y-SDGs").

We will inform you about the renewal procedure upon expiration of the certification period.
※In the renewal procedure, the renewal will be made in the acquired certification category, and the rank cannot be increased.
If you wish to rank up, you will need to have an interview in advance, so please apply from the Y-SDGs certification system.
※If you do not wish to update, please let us know at the Yokohama SDGs Design Center.

Procedure Flow

1. Announcement of update
The Yokohama SDGs Design Center will notify the target certified company of the update by e-mail.

2.Procedure in the Certification System
Please apply for renewal using the Y-SDGs authentication system by the last day of the month before the certification period.

3.Sending certification notice and publication on the website
After Yokohama City confirms the application contents, send out the certification letter of advice to prospect the end of the month of the certification period deadline, together with the Yokohama City and Yokohama SDGs Design Center homepage.

Certification period by renewal

The first March 31 after the date four years have passed since the renewal date
※The application for rank-up is a different procedure, so please apply during the new certification acceptance period.

Fees for renewal

 Free of charge

Application method

After logging in to a member on the Design Center website (, you can apply for a renewal by proceeding to the Y-SDGs authentication system from My Page and apply for renewal. For more information, please refer to the application manual (external site).

Application destination and contact information

Yokohama SDGs Design Center
Yokohama Gate Tower 3F, Yokohama 1-2-5, Takashima, Nishi-ku, Yokohama
TEL: 050-3749-7415
HP ( (external site)))
Reception hours: 11:00-16:00 (excluding weekends, holidays, and the year-end and New Year holidays)

What is the Yokohama SDGs Design Center?

It is a purpose-oriented, practical intermediary support organization that aims to realize the SDGs future city of Yokohama, and takes the initiative in working with you to solve issues in cooperation with everyone. By becoming a member, you can use various services such as various consultations on SDGs and matching support.

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For inquiries to this page

Decarbonization / GREEN × EXPO Promotion Bureau Transition Promotion Department SDGs Future City Promotion Division

Phone: 045-671-4371

Phone: 045-671-4371

Fax: 045-550-4995

Email address:

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