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About C40

Last Updated December 23, 2024

The city of Yokohama is active as a member of the C40 network of cities composed of major cities around the world working on climate change countermeasures. The C40 is engaged in a variety of activities under the leadership of President Michael Broomberg, United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Change and Cities, Mayor Yvonne Aki Soya Freetown, and Mayor Sadik Khan London.

1 C40 Targets

C40 is an international network of large cities working on climate change countermeasures. The total of C40 participating cities accounts for more than 580 million citizens and one-fifth of the world economy. C40 is committed to improving health, improving quality of life, and creating economic opportunities, focusing on urban activities that address climate change - reducing greenhouse gases and climate risks.

Specifically, with the support of C40, in addition to holding subcommittees for each theme, summits of chiefs every two years, we exchange information and opinions, including excellent examples, through e-mail and online.

(Participating cities: Boston, Copenhagen, Durban, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Milan, Paris, Seoul, Tokyo, Yokohama, and 96 other cities as of May 2024)

2 Activities at C40 in Yokohama City

C40 has multiple networks, and Yokohama City participates in networks such as Green Ports Forum, Clean Energy, Private Building Efficiency, Waste to Resource, and Waste Management, and holds annual workshops and online exchange views.
In the Clean Energy category, the Yokohama Smart City Project was awarded the C40 Award in 2016.

C40 Cities Award logo

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