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Children's Book January 2021

Last Updated January 18, 2024

Children's Book January 2021


`What is the fruit of the earth?' Cover image

Cover image of "Until Garigari-kun is possible"

Capital expenditures


What's the fruit over the corner?
Maki Arai/Saku
Gospelkan Bookstore

Until I can do it
Rumiko Iwasada / sentence
Takamine Kurosu / Picture

*If you click on the cover of the book, you will find more details.

*The cover image you are using is licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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<Ehon> From infants

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

`What is the fruit of the earth?' Cover image

What's the fruit over the corner?
Maki Arai/Saku
Gospelkan Bookstore
Published in October 2020
Number of pages: 〔30p〕
Main unit price: 1,100 yen
It's a fruit that's irritating, isn't it? Let's put something on the fruit that can be seen from the corner. What's going on with you? 11:10. If you look at it, let's turn it over from the back. There might be a new soap.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Chishiki>From the middle grade of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Until Garigari-kun is possible"

Until I can do it
Rumiko Iwasada / sentence
Takamine Kurosu / Picture
Published in July 2020
Number of pages: 183p
Main unit price: 1,400 yen
Nanami is good for Galigari, and he works for Akagi Dairy, which makes Galigari-kun. His enthusiasm was recognized and he became a member of a meeting that decided on new flavors. Nanami's proposal is plum juice flavored. Let's experience the idea as a product and lined up in the shop together.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

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