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Children's Book December 2020

Last Updated January 18, 2024

Children's Book December 2020

Cover image

Cover image of "3 Bikinokuma"

Cover image of "Animal no Jidosha Race"

Cover image of "Mediatom Museum"

Data Information

3 Bikinokuma
Paul Gardon / work
Just Hiromi/Yakui
Holpu Publishing

Let's play at Tinga Tinga Art!
Shimao Kayumiko/bun
Abashi Mubuka / Eh
Kamogawa Publishing

The world of small, small, and glass
Osamu Oku/Sents and Photographs
Gospelkan Bookstore

*If you click on the cover of the book, you will find more details.

*The cover image you are using is licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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<Ehon> From Infants

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "3 Bikinokuma"

3 Bikinokuma
Paul Gardon / work
Just Hiromi/Yakui
Holpu Publishing
Published in July 2020
Number of pages: 〔32p〕
Main unit price: 1,600 yen
Once upon a time, they were not in the middle of the three bunches. Some Asakuma and others decided to go to the walk until the rice porridge was over. And in the meantime, they came into your heart. A new version of an old tale picture book (Ehon) drawn with a lot of humor.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Chishiki> From Infants

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Animal no Jidosha Race"

Let's play at Tinga Tinga Art!
Shimao Kayumiko/bun
Abashi Mubuka / Eh
Kamogawa Publishing
Published in July 2020
Number of pages: 55p
Main unit price: 2,000 yen
Once upon a time, the race was opened in the village of the animal. The walnuts of the lions and the giraffes were shiny, but the rabbits were the rags of the rags. Everyone says, "It's time to stop," but rabbits are crunchy. It's a long time ago.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Chishiki>From the middle grade of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Mediatom Museum"

The world of small, small, and glass, diatoms
Osamu Oku/Sents and Photographs
Gospelkan Bookstore
Published in September 2020
Number of pages: 47p
Main unit price: 1,300 yen
"Keiso" is a friend of a small algae that has never been seen in 0.1 mm. If you have a glass shell and look at the shell with a microscope, you can reflect light and shine in various colors. Please take a look at the beautiful diatom art created by the author's precise work.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

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Page ID: 149-929-638


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