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Children's Book November 2021

Last Updated January 15, 2024

<Chishiki> From the middle grade of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Ananshi of spider"

A long time ago (outside site) of spider Annashijamaica
Philip M. Sherlock/Retalk
Marsha Brown / Picture
Yu Komiya / Translation
Iwanami Shoten
Published in June 2021
Number of pages: 173p
Main unit price: 1,600 yen
Annashi is both a human and a spider. One morning, the Tiger of the King of the Woods told the spider Annashi to make snakes a snake. Annashi squeezes wisdom and tricks snakes. 14 stories from West Africa to the islands of the Caribbean Sea.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Story and Literature> From the upper grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Glass Dog"

Collection of Glass Dog Borm Fairy Tales (outside site)
Iwanami Shonen Bunko

Frank Bohm/
Yuko Tsumori / Translation
Yukako Sakaguchi / Picture
Iwanami Shoten
Published in June 2021
Number of pages: 206p
Main unit price: 680 yen
The glass craftsman was asked by a magician to make a pink glass dog. And with the magic medicine that I received thank you, he cured the disease of Miss Maidas on condition of marriage. However, she told her to steal a glass dog.…。 Eight strange American fairy tales.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Story and Literature> From the upper grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

"How to fix my weak worm,"

To fix my weak insects (outside site)
K-L-Going / Work
Yoko Kubo / Translation
Male Hayakawa / Picture
Tokuma Shoten
Published in July 2021
Number of pages: 254p
Main unit price: 1,600 yen
I don't want to be a fifth grader. Because it will be the same school building as an irritable senior student. Fleta, his best friend, considered a strategy to get rid of scary things and strengthen them. There are spiders, basements, large trucks, and 38 pieces, but will you lose them all during the summer vacation?

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

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