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Children's Book October 2021

Last Updated January 15, 2024

<Ehon> From the middle grade of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "I speak like a river"

I speak like a river (outside site)
Jordan Scott / sentence
Sydney Smith / Picture
Masaru Harada / Translation
Published in July 2021
Number of pages: 〔42p〕
Main unit price: 1,600 yen
I have a sound that doesn't speak well. The sound is clogged, and it is like a stone. At that time, the lady took me to the river. The river was in a hurry, whipping Nami, crouching, and flowing slowly before the rapids. Just the same way I speak.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Story and Literature> From Junior High School Students

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "I want to make Gizumo in front of Sayonara 9"

In front of Sayonara, 9 things I want to make Gizumo (outside site)
Ben Davis / work
Nanae Sugita / Translation
Published in July 2021
Number of pages: 363p
Main unit price: 1,600 yen
George, 13 years old, has been with his dog, Gizumo, since he was born. But Gizumo can't live infinitely. George made a list. I'm going to camp, I'll be famous all the time…。 For Gizumo, you can overcome any difficulties!

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

*The cover image you are using is licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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Page ID: 536-425-870


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