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Children's Book April 2021

Last Updated January 18, 2024

Children's Book April 2021

Cover image

"People look! The cover image of "Although I say"

Cover image of "The Last Journey with Grandpa"

Cover image of "The Summer of Rupert"

Data Information

People look! I say, but with my face, like myself
Hiroko Togawa / Author
Iwanami Shoten

<Story and Literature>
The last trip with grandpa
Wolf Stark / work
Kitty Closer / Picture
Akirako Hishiki / Translation
Tokuma Shoten

<Story and Literature>
Summer when the roupert was
Hilary Mckay / work
Hoshi Tominaga / Translation
Tokuma Shoten

*If you click on the cover of the book, you will find more details.

*The cover image you are using is licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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From junior high school students

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

"People look! The cover image of "Although I say"

People look! I say, but with my face, like myself
Hiroko Togawa / Author
Iwanami Shoten
Published in November 20201
Number of pages: 208p
Main unit price: 860 yen
In Japan, there are about 1 million people who are born or injured or ill and have noticeable symptoms on their faces and bodies. Even if you are worried about something different from others and are hurt by being terrible, you face yourself and build relationships. Please listen to them and their true intentions.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Story and Literature> From the upper grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "The Last Journey with Grandpa"

The last trip with grandpa
Wolf Stark / work
Kitty Closer / Picture
Akirako Hishiki / Translation
Tokuma Shoten
Published in September 2020
Number of pages: 166p
Main unit price: 1,700 yen
Grandpa, who is hospitalized due to a heart disease, is angry with bad words and always bothers everyone. But I love grandpa. For grandpa who had something we wanted to do before we died, we made a great plan to leave the hospital.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Story>From junior high school students

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "The Summer of Rupert"

Summer when the roupert was
Hilary Mckay / work
Hoshi Tominaga / Translation
Tokuma Shoten
Issued in December 2020
Number of pages: 380p
Main unit price: 2,000 yen
Clariy lost her mother three days after birth. For her young girlfriend, the summer with a gentle cousin rouper was special and bright. Eventually, World War I began, and he went to the battlefield. On the other hand, Clariy dreams of independence and chooses a way to continue learning at school, even for women.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

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