

Here's the text.

Special provisions for taxation

Last update date February 2, 2024

1 Special provisions for taxation on Retirement income

Income percent of municipal tax pertaining to retirement allowances and prefectural tax are collected specially when receiving payments such as retirement allowances. The tax rate is uniform, 6% for municipal tax and 4% for prefectural tax (excess tax on personal prefectural tax does not apply).

Tax Calculation Flow

Calculation of tax calculation

(Note) Retirement income = (income from retirement allowance income deduction) x 1/2

※Please refer to "How to calculate retirement income deduction" for retirement income deduction.

If there is an insurance premium or contribution paid by the employee himself, such as a lump-sum payment for Retirement, which is paid in accordance with the defined benefit corporate pension agreement, the remaining amount after deducting the insurance premium or contribution paid by the employee from the amount paid shall be the amount of income from Retirement income.

In addition, since the above calculation method will be rounded in the middle of the calculation, when calculating the exact tax amount, please follow the following "Calculation method of tax amount (1,2,3)".

Calculation method of tax amount

(1) Calculate the retirement income deduction. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.) (Income Tax Law 30(3) and (4))

※Please refer to "How to calculate retirement income deduction" for retirement income deduction.

(2) Retirement income amount. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.) (Income Tax Law 30 (2), Local Tax Law 50 (3) (2), 328-2 (2))

Retirement income = (Amount of retirement allowance income -Retirement income deduction) x 1/2
※If the amount of Retirement income has a fraction of less than 1,000 yen, the amount less than 1,000 yen will be rounded down. (Local Tax Law 20-4-2 (1))
※When retirement allowances fall under “specified officer retirement allowances, etc.” (applicable after 2013)
 For retirement allowances for specified officers (such as retirement allowances paid by persons who have been with the company for 5 years or less, which are paid as retirement allowances corresponding to the length of service of the officers, etc.) The amount obtained by subtracting the retirement income deduction from the amount is the amount of Retirement income (the 1/2 calculation of the above formula does not apply.) 。
 “Educational years of service for officers” refers to the number of years of service during the period of service related to retirement allowance, etc. (If there is a fraction less than one year, the fraction is rounded up to one year) .
 "Executives, etc." refers to the persons listed in the following a to c.
B. Directors, Executive Officers, Accounting Advisors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, Directors, Auditors and liquidators, and certain other persons engaged in the management of the corporation.
(B) Members of Parliament and Members of Parliament of Local Governments
C State and Local Government Officials
※Retirement allowances fall under “short-term retirement allowances, etc.” (applicable after 2022)
 For short-term retirement allowances (paid as retirement allowances, etc. corresponding to the length of service and do not fall under the retirement allowance for specified officers, etc.) Of the amount exceeding 3 million yen, 1/2 calculation of the above formula does not apply to the portion exceeding 3 million yen.
 “Short-term service” means that the length of service calculated based on the period of working as a person other than an officer, etc. is 5 years or less. Calculate including
Prior to the revision (before December 31, 2021)
Items Years of service for less than 5 years

Service for more than 5 years


1/2 Tax application: Yes

Corporate Officers, etc.

1/2 Tax application: None

(Retirement allowance for special officers, etc.)

1/2 Tax application: Yes

Revised (after January 1, 2022)

(Amount of retirement allowance, etc.)
-(Retirement income deduction)

Years of service for less than 5 years Service for more than 5 years
Employees 3 million yen or less

1/2 Tax application: Yes
(Short-term retirement allowance, etc.)

1/2 Tax application: Yes
Over 3 million yen

1/2 Tax application: None (amount exceeding 3 million yen)

※Amount up to 3 million yen 1/2 Tax applicable: Yes

(Short-term retirement allowance, etc.)

1/2 Tax application: Yes

Corporate Officers, etc.

1/2 Tax application: None
(Retirement Allowance for Specified Officers, etc.)

1/2 Tax application: Yes

(3) Calculate the income percent for Retirement income. (The tax rate is uniform, municipal tax: 6%, prefectural tax: 4%.) (Local Tax Law 35, 50-3, 50-4, 3143, 328-2, 328-3)

Municipal tax income percent = Retirement income x 6%
Prefectural tax income percent = Retirement income x 4%
※When municipal tax, prefectural tax income percent has fraction less than 100 yen, we cut off amount less than 100 yen. (Local Tax Law 20-4-2(3))
※If the date on which retirement allowances should be paid is before December 31, 2012, the income percent for Retirement income shall be calculated after deducting the amount equivalent to one-tenth of that amount from the calculated income percent.

How to calculate retirement income deduction

Years of service and retirement income deductions
Years of service Retirement income deduction
B. 20 years or less 400,000 yen x years of service (800,000 yen if less than 800,000 yen)
(b) In the case of more than 20 years 700,000 yen x (Number of service - 20 years) + 8 million yen
(C) In the case of disability Retirement Calculated by (b) +1 million yen

※If the length of service has a fraction of less than one year, round it up to one year.
※Estimation of the resident tax on Retirement income can be done by simulating the personal residence tax tax (estimation of tax amount and preparation of tax return).

Example of calculation

1. Retirement allowance income: 10.42 million yen, years of service: In the case of 20 years
(1) Calculate the retirement income deduction. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.)
  400,000 yen x 20 years = 8 million yen

(2) Retirement income amount. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.)
  (10.42 million yen to 8 million yen) x half = 1,210,000 yen (If there is a fraction less than 1,000 yen, round it down)

(3) Calculate the income percent for Retirement income.
  Oh, municipal tax income percent
  1.21 million yen x 6% = 72,600 yen (rounded down if there is a fraction less than 100 yen)

  (I) Prefectural tax income percent
  1.21 million yen x 4% = 48,400 yen (rounded down if there is a fraction less than 100 yen)

2. Amount of retirement allowance for specified officers 5 years or less: 10.42 million yen, years of service: 4 years and 8 months (5 years or less)
(Applicable after 2013)
(1) Calculate the retirement income deduction. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.)
  400,000 yen x 5 years = 2 million yen

(2) Retirement income amount. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.)
  (10.42 million yen-2 million yen) = 8.42 million yen (rounded down if there is a fraction less than 1,000 yen, round it down)

(3) Calculate the income percent for Retirement income.
  Oh, municipal tax income percent
  8.42 million yen x 6% = 505,200 yen → 505,200 yen (rounded down if there is a fraction less than 100 yen)

  (I) Prefectural tax income percent
  8.42 million yen x 4% = 336,800 yen → 336,000 yen (rounded down if there is a fraction less than 100 yen)

3. Income from short-term Retirement Hands and others: 5 million yen, years of service: 4 years and 8 months (5 years or less)
(Applicable from 2022 onward) ※Income from short-term retirement allowances, etc.-In the case of retirement income deduction ≤ 3 million yen
(1) Calculate the retirement income deduction. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.)
  400,000 yen x 5 years = 2 million yen

(2) Retirement income amount. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.)
  (5 million yen to 2 million yen) x 1/2 = 1.5 million yen (rounded down if there is a fraction less than 1,000 yen, round off)

(3) Calculate the income percent for Retirement income.
  Oh, municipal tax income percent
  1.5 million yen x 6% = 90,000 yen (rounded down if there is a fraction less than 100 yen)

  (I) Prefectural tax income percent
  1.5 million yen x 4% = 60,000 yen (rounded down if there is a fraction less than 100 yen)

4. Income from short-term Retirement Hands and others: 5.5 million yen, years of service: 4 years and 8 months (5 years or less)
(Applicable from 2022 onward) ※Income from short-term retirement allowance income-retirement income>In the case of 3 million yen
(1) Calculate the retirement income deduction. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.)
  400,000 yen x 5 years = 2 million yen

(2) Retirement income amount. (It is the same as the one used in the calculation of income tax.)
  1.5 million yen + (5.5 million yen-(3 million yen + 2 million yen))) = 2 million yen (If there is a fraction less than 1,000 yen, round it down)

(3) Calculate the income percent for Retirement income.
  Oh, municipal tax income percent
  2 million yen x 6% = 120,000 yen (If there is a fraction less than 100 yen, round it down)

  (I) Prefectural tax income percent
  2 million yen x 4% = 80,000 yen (rounded down if there is a fraction less than 100 yen)

2 How to calculate the tax amount such as transfer income of land, buildings, etc.

The income from the transfer of assets such as land, buildings, and stocks, and income from futures transactions are to be calculated separately from other income such as employment income and business income. This is the same as income tax, which is a national tax.
In the transfer of land, buildings, etc., it is classified as long-term or short-term transfer income according to the ownership period of the transferred assets (determined based on January 1 of the transfer year), and the tax calculation method is different. .

(1) Taxable transfer income

Calculation of taxable transfer income

(Note 1) Special deduction: In the case of transfer of residential property, there is a special deduction up to 30 million yen under certain requirements, and there is also a special deduction in the case of transfer related to expropriation.
(Note 2) If there is an income deduction that could not be deducted from the gross income amount, the amount will be deducted.

(2) Long-term transfer income and short-term transfer income

Long-term and short-term classification of land, buildings, etc.
Items to be transferred Ownership period Long-term and short-term categories
Land, buildings, etc. More than 5 years Long-term transfer income
5 years or less (Note) Short-term transfer income

(Note) Those whose ownership period is 5 years or less on January 1 of the year of the transfer (including those acquired during that year) will be short-term transfer income.

List of tax calculation methods such as transferable income
Classification Arithmetic
Short-term transfer income/general portion Taxable transfer income amount x tax rate (municipal tax 7.2%, prefectural tax 1.8%, income tax 30%)
Short-term transfer income/reduction Taxable transfer income amount x tax rate (municipal tax 4.0%, prefectural tax 1.0%, income tax 15%)

※Reduced income refers to the transfer to national and local governments, etc., as stipulated in Article 28-4, Paragraph 3, Items 1 to 3 of the Special Taxation Measures Law.

Long-term transfer income and general income Taxable transfer income amount x tax rate (municipal tax 4.0%, prefectural tax 1.0%, income tax 15%)
Long-term transfer income/defined portion
(Parts related to excellent residential areas, etc.)
<20 million yen or less>
Taxable transfer income amount x tax rate (municipal tax 3.2%, prefectural tax 0.8%, income tax 10%)
<more than 20 million yen>
Municipal tax 640,000 yen + (taxable transfer income amount-20 million yen) x 4.0%
Prefectural tax 160,000 yen + (taxable transfer income amount-20 million yen) x 1.0%
Income tax 2 million yen + (taxable transfer income amount - 20 million yen) x 15%
Long-term transfer income and minor charges
(Partial relating to residential property)
<60 million yen or less>
Taxable transfer income amount x tax rate (municipal tax 3.2%, prefectural tax 0.8%, income tax 10%)
<more than 60 million yen>
Municipal tax 1.92 million yen + (taxable transfer income amount-60 million yen) x 4.0%
Prefectural tax 480,000 yen + (taxable transfer income amount-60 million yen) x 1.0%
Income tax 6 million yen + (taxable transfer income amount-60 million yen) x 15%
Transfer income, etc. of shares, etc. Taxable transfer income amount, etc. x tax rate (municipal tax 4.0%, prefectural tax 1.0%, income tax 15%)
Selected separate taxation.
Dividend income on listed stocks
Taxable dividend income x tax rate (municipal tax 4.0%, prefectural tax 1.0%, income tax 15%)
Miscellaneous income related to futures transactions Taxable miscellaneous income, etc. x tax rate (municipal tax 4.0%, prefectural tax 1.0%, income tax 15%)

※If you transfer residential property that has been owned for more than 10 years, special provisions for reduced tax rates will be applied.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact your ward office.

Tax Division City Tax Section
Ward OfficeWindowPhone numberE-Mail address
Aoba Ward55th floor, 3rd Floor, Aoba Ward
Asahi Ward28th floor, Asahi Ward Office Main
Izumi Ward304th Floor, Izumi Ward
Isogo WardIsogo Ward Office 3F, 34th
Kanagawa Ward325, 3rd Floor, Kanagawa Ward Office Main
Kanazawa Ward304th Floor, Kanazawa Ward
Konan Ward3rd floor, Konan Ward
Kohoku Ward3rd floor, Kohoku Ward
Sakae Ward30th floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Office Main
Seya Ward33rd floor, Seya Ward
Tsuzuki Ward  Tsuzuki Ward   Office 3F, 34th
Tsurumi Ward4th floor, Tsurumi Ward
Totsuka Ward7th floor, Totsuka Ward
Naka Ward43rd floor, 4th floor of Naka Ward Office Main
Nishi WardNishi Ward Office 4F, 44th
Hodogaya Ward26th Floor, Hodogaya Ward Office Main
Midori Ward35th floor, Midori Ward
Minami Ward33rd floor, Minami Ward

For inquiries to this page

Tax Division, Finance Bureau Chief Tax Department (We cannot answer consultations on individual taxation details and declarations. Please contact your ward office Tax Division.)

Phone: 045-671-2253

Phone: 045-671-2253

Fax: 045-641-2775

Email address:

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Page ID: 390-749-219


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