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Kanazawa Ward Tax Division

Last update date June 3, 2022


2-9-1, Deiki, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
Kanazawa Ward Office 3F

Main Business and Contact Information

City Tax Section
Main Business Contact information

Municipal tax prefectural tax levy

Phone number: 045-788-7744
Fax: 045-788-8602
Email address:
Contact: 3rd floor 304th window

Land Section
Main Business Contact information
Land evaluation and taxation

Phone number: 045-788-7749
Fax: 045-788-8602
Email address:
Contact: 302 on the 3rd floor

House Manager
Main Business Contact information
Valuation and taxation of property tax (houses)

Phone number: 045-788-7754
Fax: 045-788-8602
Email address:
Contact: 3rd floor 301st window

light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei)
Main Business Contact information
light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) levy
light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) Received

Phone number: 045-788-7746
Fax: 045-788-8602
Email address:
Contact: 3rd floor 304th window

Tax Receipt Section
Main Business Contact information
Tax payment consultation
Arrangement of delinquent city taxes
Public auctions
Affiliation related to tax savings associations
Proof of tax payment

Phone number: 045₋788-7764
Fax: 045₋786-8643
Email address:
Contact: 305th floor, 3rd floor

Tax Certificate Issuance Officer
Main Business Contact information
Issuance of tax exemption and tax exemption certificate
Registration of light motor vehicles

Phone number: 045-788-7743
Fax: 045-788-8602
Email address:
Contact: 3rd floor 303rd floor

For inquiries to this page

Kanazawa Ward General Affairs Department Tax Division

Phone: 045-788-7744

Phone: 045-788-7744

Fax: 045-788-8602

Email address:

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Page ID: 911-680-537

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