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Calculation of municipal tax, prefectural tax, and forest environmental tax in 2024 (example)

Last Updated May 27, 2024

In the case of Mr. A (couple (when either husband or wife has no income), 2 children (17 years old, 13 years old) * All residents of Japan

●Proceeds: Salary 5,500,000 yen

・Deductions for employment income: 5,500,000 yen x 20% + 440,000 yen = 1,540,000 yen

●Salary income: 5,500,000 yen-1,540,000 yen = 3,960,000 yen. .. . .. (1)

・Social insurance premiums paid: 394,800 yen
・General life insurance premiums paid (new policies): 90,000 yen
・Earthquake insurance premiums paid: 20,000 yen

・Deductions for social insurance premiums: 394,800 yen (full amount) .. .. . .. (2)
・Life insurance premium deduction: 28,000 yen (limit) .. .. . .. (3)
・Deductions for earthquake insurance premiums: 10,000 yen. .. .. .. .. .. (4)
・Deductions for spouse: 330,000 yen. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..
・Deductions for dependents: 330,000 yen.. .. .. .. .. .. .. (6) (Note 1)
・Basic deduction: 430,000 yen. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..
・Deduction = (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) = 1,522,800 yen. . . .. (8)
 (Note 1) Dependent relatives under the age of 16 are not subject to dependent deductions and are not included in the dependent deduction.

●Standard tax amount (1)-(8)

3,960,000 yen-1,522,800 yen = 2,437,200 yen → 2,437,000 yen (rounded down to less than 1,000 yen)

●Municipal tax calculated income percent

2,437,000 yen x 8% (tax rate of municipal tax) = 194,960 yen. .. .. . . . .. (9)

●Prefectural tax calculated income percent

2,437,000 yen x 2.025% (tax rate of prefectural tax) = 49,349.25 yen → 49,349 yen (rounded down to less than 1 yen) .. .. (10)

●Deductions for adjustment

Mr. A's total taxable income amount {(1)-(8)} exceeds 2 million, so 5% of the amount deducted from the following a to b (50,000 yen if it is less than 50,000 yen) (Municipal tax 4%, prefectural tax 1%) is adjustment deduction.
・Oh, sum that added total amount of difference of personal deduction from income tax
50,000 yen + 50,000 yen + 50,000 yen = 150,000 yen
・B. Amount obtained by subtracting 2 million yen from total taxable income
2,437,000 yen-2,000,000 yen = 437,000 yen
A-Y <50,000 yen, so please.
・Municipal tax adjustment deduction
50,000 yen x 4% = 2,000 yen. .. (11)
・Prefectural tax adjustment deduction
50,000 yen x 1% = 500 yen. .. (12)

●After deducting municipal tax income percent: (9)-(11)=(13)

194,960 yen-2,000 yen = 192,960 yen

●Prefectural tax income percent after deduction: (10)-(12)=(14)

49,349 yen-500 yen = 48,849 yen

●Calculation of fixed amount tax reduction

 10,000 yen x 4 = 40,000 = (15) (Note 2) because the person + spouse + 2 dependent relatives in total 4 people in total.
  (Note 2) Dependent relatives under the age of 16 who are not subject to dependent deductions are also included in the calculation of the fixed amount tax reduction.

 Flat-rate tax reduction (prefecture): (15)×[(14)÷{(14)+(13)}]=(16)
     40,000 yen x [48,849 yen ÷ (48,849 yen + 192,960 yen)] = 8,081 yen (rounded to less than 1 yen)

 Flat-rate tax reduction (city): (15)-(16)=(17)
     40,000 yen-8,081 yen = 31,919 yen

 Fixed income tax reduction (city): (13)-(17)=(18)
     192,960 yen-31,919 yen = 161,041 yen → 161,000 yen (rounded down to less than 100 yen)

 Fixed income tax reduction (prefecture): (14)-(16)=(19)
     48,849 yen-8,081 yen = 40,768 yen → 40,700 yen (rounded down to less than 100 yen)

●Income percent after deduction: (18)+ (19) = 201,700 yen. .. .. . .. (A)
●Per capita rate: 3,900 yen (municipal tax) + 1,300 yen (prefectural tax) = 5,200 yen. . . .. (B)
●Forest environmental tax (national tax): 1,000 yen. .. .. (C)
Tax amount for fiscal 2024: (A)+(B)+(C)

201,700 yen + 5,200 yen + 1,000 yen = 207,900 yen

Forest environmental tax and flat-rate tax reduction

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact your ward office.

Tax Division City Tax Section
Ward OfficeWindowPhone numberE-Mail address
Aoba Ward55th floor, 3rd Floor, Aoba Ward
Asahi Ward28th floor, Asahi Ward Office Main
Izumi Ward304th Floor, Izumi Ward
Isogo WardIsogo Ward Office 3F, 34th
Kanagawa Ward325, 3rd Floor, Kanagawa Ward Office Main
Kanazawa Ward304th Floor, Kanazawa Ward
Konan Ward3rd floor, Konan Ward
Kohoku Ward3rd floor, Kohoku Ward
Sakae Ward30th floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Office Main
Seya Ward33rd floor, Seya Ward
Tsuzuki Ward  Tsuzuki Ward   Office 3F, 34th
Tsurumi Ward4th floor, Tsurumi Ward
Totsuka Ward7th floor, Totsuka Ward
Naka Ward43rd floor, 4th floor of Naka Ward Office Main
Nishi WardNishi Ward Office 4F, 44th
Hodogaya Ward26th Floor, Hodogaya Ward Office Main
Midori Ward35th floor, Midori Ward
Minami Ward33rd floor, Minami Ward

For inquiries to this page

Tax Division, Finance Bureau Chief Tax Department (We cannot answer consultations on individual taxation details and declarations. Please contact your ward office Tax Division.)

Phone: 045-671-2253

Phone: 045-671-2253

Fax: 045-641-2775

Email address:

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Page ID: 813-607-906


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