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Kohoku Ward Statistics

Last Updated June 7, 2024

Population and number of households

Basic data

In order to understand the current state of Kohoku Ward, we have compiled major statistical indicators from statistical data in various fields such as population, household, industry and welfare.

Position and terrain

Introducing the geographical features of Kohoku Ward.

Data by town and district

It summarizes data on the basic attributes of the population for each town and district in the ward so that it can be used as basic data for regional support.

Data by Sector

Kohoku Ward's main statistical data are compiled over a long period of time, based on published survey results and statistical documents.

  1. Population and number of households
  2. Population by age (5 years old class)
  3. Population by age (3 categories)
  4. Demographics
  5. Status of moving in and out
  6. Number of births, deaths, stillbirths, marriages and divorce
  7. Total special fertility rate
  8. Foreign population
  9. Number of households by number of households
  1. Number of Offices and Employees
  2. Wholesale Business
  3. Retailing Business
  4. Situation of Zhanghai Town
  5. Industrial conditions
  6. Long-term trends in industry
  7. Number of farmers
  8. Number of Farmers
  9. Acreage of cropping
  10. Status of recruitment and job seekers
  1. Housing conditions
  2. Construction of new housing
  3. Urban planning areas and restricted areas
  4. Land area by land
  5. Land Price Announcement
  6. Hiyoshi's annual precipitation
  1. Number of passengers at each railway station
  2. Traffic volume on arterial roads
  3. Number of vehicles owned
  1. Number of medical facilities
  2. Number of healthcare professionals
  3. social security
  4. Number of certified persons requiring long-term care
  5. Status of nursery schools
  1. Number of schools, students, and teachers
  2. Overview of elementary school (municipal)
  3. Overview of junior high school (municipal)
  4. Number of graduates by career path
  5. Usage Status of Kohoku Library
  6. Usage status of cultural facilities
  7. Usage Status of Sports Facilities
  1. Number of traffic accidents
  2. acknowledgement, Number of criminal offenses
  3. acknowledgement Number of Crimes by Type
  4. Fire occurrence status

Statistics of Yokohama City

This is a list of statistical materials provided by the Yokohama City Statistical Information Portal.


Statistical dataOverview
Yokohama City Population NewsThe latest (as of the 1st of every month) population and the number of households, demographics during the previous month
Population and HouseholdPopulation by age, population by town, demographics, foreign population, number of households by household number
Report "Population of Yokohama City"A summary of annual demographics and population by age (as of January 1)
Report "Ayumi of Population"Demographics, such as changes in the population since 1889 (municipal organization enforcement) in long-term time series

Comprehensive Statistics

Comprehensive Statistics
Statistical dataOverview
Yokohama Statistical ReportA comprehensive collection of statistics in various fields such as population, economy, culture, administrative and financial.
Main indicators of Yokohama CityMain indicators are selected from statistical data in various fields and listed
Major statistical survey resultsResults of key statistical surveys conducted by the government, such as the census and economic census

Notice of Statistical Survey

Statistical survey conducted in FY2024 (2024)

Statistical survey to be conducted via the city

We regularly conduct various statistical surveys to capture the actual state of society and the economy. When an investigator visits, please cooperate with the survey.

Major statistical surveys to be conducted in the future
Statistical survey nameDate of investigationCompetent ministries and agenciesSurvey results
Structural Survey of JapanReiwa 6 October to November, 2024Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (outside site)e-Stat (external site)Yokohama-shi
Agriculture and Forestry CensusFebruary 1, 2025 (Reiwa 7)Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (outside site)e-Stat (external site)Yokohama-shi
National censusOctober 1, 2025 (Reiwa 7)Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (outside site)e-Stat (external site)Yokohama-shi
Economic Census-Activity SurveyJune 1, 2026 (Reiwa 8)Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (outside site)e-Stat (external site)Yokohama-shi
Basic Survey on Employment StructureOctober 1, 2027 (Reiwa 9)Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (outside site)e-Stat (external site)Yokohama-shi
Housing and Land Statistics SurveyOctober 1, 2025 (Reiwa 10)Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (outside site)e-Stat (external site)Yokohama-shi

Please be careful about "Darkness survey" disguised as statistical survey

The so-called "Dark Surveys" have been occurring nationwide, which pretends to be government statistical surveys (national census, etc.) to seek out information on households and offices by visiting, telephone, e-mail, etc.
If you feel suspicious, please ask for your "Investigator's Card" or contact us at the bottom of this page (Kohoku Ward General Affairs Division, Statistics and Elections Section).

We are looking for statistical surveyors.

Kohoku Ward is looking for people who can engage in various statistical surveys conducted by the national and prefectural governments, including the census. If you are interested in statistical surveys, please feel free to contact us at the bottom of this page (Kohoku Ward, General Affairs Division, Statistics and Elections Section).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Links on statistics

For inquiries to this page

Kohoku Ward General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section

Phone: 045-540-2213

Phone: 045-540-2213

Fax: 045-540-2209

Email address:

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Page ID: 610-769-388

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