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Basic Data of Kohoku Ward

Last update date April 22, 2024

Land and weather


Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (as of April 1, 2022), Census (as of October 1, 2020)
Total floor area31.40㎢
Land area of habitable land29.51㎢
Population Concentration District (DID)26.91㎢

Position and highest altitude

Geographical Survey Institute, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau (as of January 13, 2022)
 Place nameLongitude, Latitude, Elevation
Eastern end3, Hiyoshi139 degrees, 39 minutes 30 seconds east longitude
Western endKozukuecho139 degrees 34 minutes 57 seconds east longitude
Southern endShinowaranishi-choLatitude 35 degrees 29 minutes22 north
Northern end6, ShimodamachiLatitude 35 degrees 33 minutes46 seconds north
Ward Office26-1, Mamedocho

139 degrees 37 minutes 59 seconds east longitude

Latitude 35 degrees 31 minutes08 seconds north

Highest altitudeKozukuecho52.5m above sea level

Urban planning area

City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau (as of March 31, 2023)
Urban planning area31.4㎢
Urbanization area24.8㎢
Urbanization adjustment area6.6㎢

Area by land area

Yokohama Finance Bureau (as of January 1, 2023)
Total floor area20.08㎢
Residential land15.37㎢
Fields and fields1.98㎢
Forests, wilderness, ponds and marshes1.18㎢
Hybrid land1.53㎢
  • The figures are the area of taxable land, and do not include tax-exempt areas such as land owned by the national and local governments.

Average Land Prices by Use

City of Yokohama, Urban Development Bureau (per 1 m2 as of January 1, 2024)
 Average priceAverage fluctuation rate
Residential area331,100 yen3.6%
Commercial land761,000 yen5.3%
Industrial area281,500 yen3.1%

Weather (Hiyoshi annual precipitation in Hiyoshi)

Yokohama Regional Meteorological Observatory (2023)
Actual value1351.5mm
Normal value1607.7mm
Maximum daily precipitation (starting date)133.5 mm (June 2)
Up to 1 hour of precipitation (starting date)29.0 mm (Sept. 8)
Rainfall observation days1 mm or more85th
10 mm or more36th
30 mm or more16th

Population and Household

Population and number of households

Estimated population based on national census
 PopulationNumber of households
1939 (Showa 14) The ward system was enacted51,800 people9,190 households
2023 (Reiwa 5)362,084 people179,364 households
2024 (Reiwa 6)

363,062 people

181,160 households


180,873 people・・・


182,189 people・・・
  • The ward system is enforced on April 1, 2023 and 2024 as of January 1, 2023.

Population movement

Natural additional numbers-71 people


2,879 people


2,950 people
Number of social increase1,049 people

Transference (outside of the city)

18,483 people

Transference (in the city)

5,238 people

Transference (outside of the city)

16,589 people

Transference (in the city)

6,238 people


155 people
Number of population growth978 people

Basic Resident Register Population

(As of March 31, 2024)
 PopulationComposition Ratio

Total population

356,436 people100 %
0-14 years old43,165 people12.1%
15-64 years old242,049 people67.9%
65 years old or older71,222 people20.0%

75 years old or older

39,604 people11.1%
Foreigners8,156 people2.3%


1,995 people・・・


1,157 people・・・


928 people・・・


786 people・・・


443 people・・・


City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau (2022, the population in parentheses)
Marriage2,360 cases (6.5)
Divorce460 cases (1.27)
Total special fertility rate1.23

Average life expectancy

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, “Life Table” (2020)
Men83. 1 year
Women88. 4 Years

Daytime and night population

National Census (As of October 1, 2020)
Night (Resident) Population358,530 people
Inflowing population93,626 people
Operated population121,198 people
Daytime population330,958 people
Daytime and night population ratio92.3

Family type of household

National Census (As of October 1, 2020)
Number of ordinary households175,177 households

Single-person households

78,965 households

Nuclear family households

89,040 households

Couples only

32,248 households

Couple and Child

45,643 households

Single parent and child

11,149 households
General households with household members aged 65 and over45,846 households

Single-person households

14,723 households

Couples only

13,858 households
  • “General households” do not include households such as student dormitories and hospitals.
  • Of the general households with household members aged 65 and over, households with "couple only" are husbands 65 years old or older and 60 years old or older with wives 60 years old or older.

Industry and Economy

Business sites

Economic Census (As of June 1, 2021)
 Number of officesNumber of Employees
All industries11,671152,411 people
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries1057 people
Construction Industry8727,517 people
Manufacturing1,15916,741 people
Electricity, gas, heat supply and water supply15269 people
Information and Communications Business3659,650 people
Transportation and Postal Services1765,643 people
Wholesale and retail business2,49636,294 people
Finance & Insurance1562,608 people
Real estate, leasing business1,5356,237 people
Academic research, professional and technical services7177,677 people
Accommodation, food and beverage services1,03611,693 people
Life-related services and entertainment7244,625 people
Education and learning support business4519,561 people
Medical care and welfare1,23220,421 people
Complex service33658 people
Service business (not classified elsewhere)67610,845 people
Public affairs181,915 people
  • “Life-related services” include laundry, barber, beauty, bathhouse business, etc.
  • The combined service industry includes post offices, agricultural cooperatives, etc.

Commercial business

Wholesale Business

Economic Census (As of June 1, 2021)
 Number of officesNumber of EmployeesAnnual product sales
Total67912,805 people¥1,281.2 billion
Fibers, clothing, etc.17317 people13.8 billion yen
Food and beverages671,320 people140.6 billion yen
Building materials, minerals, metal materials, etc.109926 people102.1 billion yen
Machinery and equipment3367,960 people¥809.6bln
Others1502,282 people215.1 billion yen
  • The number of business establishments is calculated for which annual product sales were obtained.

Retailing business

Economic Census (As of June 1, 2021)
 Number of officesNumber of EmployeesAnnual product sales
Total1,19816,123 people317.7 billion yen
Various products5223 people5.1 billion yen
Textiles, clothing, and personal items152937 people13 billion yen
Food and beverages4278,588 people135.2 billion yen
Machinery and equipment1251,254 people55.9 billion yen
Others4194,008 people78.3 billion yen
No store701,113 people30.2 billion yen
  • The number of business establishments is calculated for which annual product sales were obtained.

Number of retail stores, etc.

Economic Census (As of June 1, 2021)
Retail Stores1,423
Large-scale retail stores53
Department Store, General Supermarket1
  • "Large retail stores" are establishments with more than 50 employees.
  • “Department stores, general supermarkets” are business establishments that retail a variety of products covering clothing, food, and housing, and has more than 50 employees at all times.


Survey of Economic Structures Survey of Manufacturing Works (as of June 1, 2022, accounting items are actual results during 2021)
Number of offices652
Number of Employees11,470 people
Raw materials, fuel, electric power usage, etc.127.9 billion yen
Shipments of manufactured goods, etc.¥252.0 billion
Value added value114.1 billion yen

Industrial segment

Survey of Economic Structures Survey of Manufacturing Works (as of June 1, 2022, accounting items are actual results during 2021)
 Number of officesShipments of manufactured goods, etc.
Food1831.7 billion yen
Fibers6300 million yen
Furniture9¥600 million
Paper products85.8 billion yen
Printing13¥2.6 billion
Chemicals84.1 billion yen
Plastics4510.1 billion yen
Tanned leather2x
Ceramics85.4 billion yen
Iron and Steel2x
Non-ferrous7900 million yen
Metal products17926.3 billion yen
Holding equipment4112.2 billion yen
Production Equipment11333.7 billion yen
Operational Equipment4010 billion yen
Electronic components2512.9 billion yen
Electrical equipment6434.7 billion yen
Information Equipment2220.9 billion yen
Transport aircraft1830.4 billion yen
Others19¥7.3 billion


Agriculture and Forestry Census (As of February 1, 2020)
Number of farmers323
Arable land area (total farmers)160ha
Farmers (individual management bodies)559 people


Employment placement status

Kohoku Public Employment Security Office (FY2022)
Number of valid job seekers118,626 people
Number of job openings111,260 people
Effective job openings-to-applicants ratio0.94 times

Work force population

National Census (As of October 1, 2020)
Population aged 15 and over149,819153,060 people
Work force population96,292 people76,788 people


93,131 people74,532 people

Completely unemployed

3,161 people2,256 people
Non-working population27,101 people53,257 people
Labor Force Ratio78.0%59.0%
Total unemployment rate3.3%2.9%
  • The labor force ratio is the ratio of the labor force to the population aged 15 and over (excluding the workforce status "unknown").
  • The unemployment rate is the percentage of unemployed persons in the labor force.

Number of employees (by status of employment)

Census (October 1, 2020)
Total number of employees93,131 people74,532 people
Employers77,108 people66,502 people


65,501 people36,270 people


11,607 people30,232 people
Executive Officers7,663 people2,123 people
Self-employed business6,475 people3,388 people
Family employees331 people1,492 people
  • The total number includes an unknown employee status.
  • “Non-regular” refers to temporary employees, part-time, part-time, and others.
  • "Self-employed persons" include domestic employees.

Number of employees (Maindustry industry, Oita classification)

National Census (As of October 1, 2020)
Total number167,663 people
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries745 people
Construction8,679 people
Manufacturing20,384 people
Information and Communications18,885 people
Transportation and Postal Services6,998 people
Wholesale and Retailing26,042 people
Finance & Insurance6,533 people
Lease of real estate and goods6,621 people
Academic research, specialized and technical services12,000 people
Eating, drinking and accommodation7,913 people
Education and learning support9,075 people
Medical care and welfare17,113 people



Housing and Land Statistics Survey (As of October 1, 2018)
Total number of housing units183,600 units
Unoccupied house rate10.2%
Housing with residential households164,400 units
Percentage of ownership52.3%
Single-family house rate29.0%
Wooden Ratio38.7%

1 Per dedicated housing

Number of residences3.46 rooms
Total floor area70.52㎡

Construction of new housing

Construction start statistics in Kanagawa Prefecture (FY2022)
Total new housing2,965 units

Holding house

444 units

Rent house

1,351 units

Single-family units

562 units


607 units
Total floor area212,702㎡
Floor area per house71.7㎡
  • Total includes paid housing.

Transportation and Roads

Number of train rides

  • Average number of passengers per day


Toyoko Line (FY2022)
Hiyoshi103,271 people
Tsunashima43,662 people
Okurayama23,991 people
Kikuna55,795 people
Myorenji11,823 people

New Yokohama Line (FY2022)
Shin-Yokohama30,406 people
Shin-Tsunashima6,595 people
Hiyoshi29,250 people
  • Opened on March 18, 2023. Data for a total of 14 days from the opening date to March 31 of the same year.

Soutetsu Line

New Yokohama Line (FY2022)
Shin-Yokohama19,149 people
  • Opened on March 18, 2023. Data for a total of 14 days from the opening date to March 31 of the same year.

JR East

Yokohama Line (FY2022)
Kikuna43,226 people
Shin-Yokohama51,442 people
Small desk8,927 people

JR Central

Shinkansen (FY2022)
Shin-Yokohama28,300 people

Yokohama Municipal Subway

Blue Line (FY2022)
Kishinekoen5,232 people
Shin-Yokohama29,987 people
Kitashinyokohama5,903 people
Nippa9,883 people

Green Line (FY2022)
Hiyoshi34,514 people
Hiyoshihoncho7,651 people
Takada7,365 people

Number of registered vehicles

Kanto Transport Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Finance Bureau, Yokohama (as of March 31, 2023)
Four-wheel vehicles93,953 units

Passenger car

81,621 units

Freight car

9,702 units

Shared bus

404 units


2,226 units
Small motorcycles4,562 units
light motor vehicles23,592 units

Road extension

City of Yokohama, Road and Highway Bureau (as of April 1, 2023)
National highway
Prefectural road27.3km
City road552.1km
Toll road6.1km

Medical care and welfare

Medical facilities

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's “Medical Facility Survey” (as of October 1, 2022)
 Number of facilitiesNumber of beds
Hospitals61,320 beds
General clinics314151 beds
Dental clinic206

Healthcare worker

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare "Statistics of Doctors, Dentists, and Pharmacists" (as of December 31, 2022)
Doctor771 people


295 people
Pharmacist1,072 people

social security

City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau (as of March 31, 2023, protection fee is fiscal 2022)
Protected households2,917 households
Personnel protected3,456 people
Protection rate (to a thousand population)9.6
Payments for protection expenses3,736,020,000 yen

Nursing care insurance

City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau (as of March 31, 2023)
Number of insured persons (65 years old or older)70,840 people
Number of certified persons requiring long-term care13,622 people

Of these, the degree of care required 3 or more

4,671 people

National Health Insurance

City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau (as of March 31, 2023)
Number of insured persons51,746 people
Number of insured households37,601 households

Nursery schools

City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau (as of April 1, 2023)
Number of facilities154
Capacity9,471 people
Number of elementary school student enrolled9,171 people

Under 3 years old

4,185 people

3 years old or older

4,986 people

Number of sales facilities related to health and hygiene

City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau (as of the end of 2022)
Performance hall4
Hotels and inns36
Public bath22
Barber shop108
Beauty salon399
Cleaning place160

Education and Culture


School Basic Survey (as of May 1, 2023)
 Number of schoolsNumber of students in elementary school studentNumber of faculty members (in charge)
Kindergarten222,759 people268 people
Elementary school2617,659 people960 people
Junior high school127,432 people418 people
High school (full-time, night class/night school)78,147 people432 people
High school (communication system)1370 people21 people
Special Needs School181 people70 people
Vocational school113,101 people158 people


Kohoku Library (FY2022)
Number of books in circulation (end of fiscal year)150,814 books
Registered lender60,606 people
Lending Users212,281 people
Number of books borrowed695,908 books

Cultural facilities

Number of users or number of working days (FY2022)
Yokohama Arena207 days / Operating rate 56.7%
Okurayama Memorial Hall85,383 people
Kohoku public hall75,351 people
District Center (total of 6 facilities)434,396 people


55,234 people


58,939 people


85,667 people


104,673 people

Jogo small desk

67,622 people


62,261 people

Sports facilities

Number of Users (FY2022)
Nissan Stadium815,313 people
Yokohama City Sports Medical Science Center191,170 people
Kohoku Sports Center245,377 people
Small desk Sports Hall12,965 people

City park

City of Yokohama, Environmental Planning Bureau (as of March 31, 2023)
 Number of locationsArea
Sports Park281.9ha
District park314.3ha
Neighboring park1226.6ha
Block park14615.7ha
Scenic park11.2ha
Green road45.4ha

Police, fire department and city officials


Kanagawa Police Headquarters (Kohoku station jurisdiction in 2022)
Number of criminal offenses acknowledgement1,426 cases

A violent criminal

11 cases

A violent criminal

99 cases


971 cases

An intelligent

149 cases


25 cases

Other criminal offenses

171 cases
Number of criminal offenses570 cases
Arrest rate40.0%

Traffic accident

Kanagawa Police Headquarters (2023)
Number of cases657 cases
injured768 people


City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau (2022)
Number of fires61 cases
Disaster households45 households
Building burned floor area350㎡
Amount of loss46.47 million yen

Number of ward office staff

City of Yokohama, General Affairs Bureau (as of April 1, 2023)
Kohoku Ward Office547 people

For inquiries to this page

Kohoku Ward General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section

Phone: 045-540-2213

Phone: 045-540-2213

Fax: 045-540-2209

Email address:

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