

Here's the text.

International Statistics

Last Updated September 17, 2021

Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

World statistics (outside site)
Data from countries around the world, such as population, economy, society, and environment

International Organizations, etc. (external site)
Links to international organizations that compile statistical data from each country

Statistical institutions of foreign governments (external site)
Links to government agencies such as statistics bureaus.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Country/region (outside site)
In addition to basic data by country, diplomatic relations with Japan are also posted.

National Diet Library

Statistics on Overseas (outside site)
Introduction of materials that publish statistical information by country of the world

For inquiries to this page

General Affairs Department Statistical Information Division, Policy Management Bureau

Phone: 045-671-4201

Phone: 045-671-4201

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Page ID: 670-305-783


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