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Summer recipe 2:Izumi Ward Vegetables

Last Updated December 11, 2023

Salad-style vegetables pickled in sweet vinegar

Salad-style vegetables pickled in sweet vinegar
Cooking example of salad-style vegetables pickled in sweet vinegarMaterials (for 2 people)
・Petit tomatoes (8 pcs)…100g)
・Cucumber (1 bottle)…100g)
・Carrots (1/2 bottles)…60g)
・Myoga (2 pieces)…40g)
・A…Water (50ml)
Vinegar (25ml)
Sugar (1/2 tablespoons)
Salt (1/2 teaspoon)
(for one person)
Energy: 48kcal
Vegetable amount: 150g
Salt: 1.3g
How to make it
1 Petit Tomatoes take the spatula. Cucumbers and carrots are cut into strips. Myoga is half-cut.
2 Put 1 and A in a bakeware, wrap it, and heat in a microwave oven (500W) for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Cool it as it is, leave it for about half a day and soak the taste.

Cover the wrap so that the vegetables are soaked in close contact with the vegetables to soak the vegetables.
Depending on your preference, you can add ginger (2 slices) and red pepper (1 bottle).

Bitter gourd champloo
Example of cooking of bitter gourd champlooMaterials (for 2 people)
・Bitter gourd (1/2 pc)…150g)
・Cabbage (100g)
・Sprouts (100g)
・Carrot (1/2 bottles)…70g)
・Kamaboko (50g)
・Egg (1 piece)
・Garlic (one piece)…10g)
・All-purpose green onion (small cut)…A little)
・Oil (2 tbsp)
・A…Salt (1/5 teaspoon)
Pepper (a little)
Curry flour (1 teaspoon)
(for one person)
Energy: 197kcal
Vegetable amount: 215g
Salt: 1.4g
How to make it
1 Cut bitter gourd into half lengthwise, seeds and cotton are removed and sliced.
The sprouts are washed by removing the beard roots.
Cut cabbage and carrots are sliced.
The kamaboko is cut into strips
Garlic is minced.
2 Put oil and garlic in a frying pan, heat, and when the scent comes out, fry kamaboko, carrot, bitter gourd, cabbage, and sprouts in that order.
3 When the oil turns around, season with A, add the beaten egg and fry.
Serve in 4 dishes and sprinkle with all kinds of green onions.
You may use chikuwa instead of kamaboko.
Cooled in winter melon
Example of cooking cooled kudzu stewMaterials (for 2 people)
・Winter melon (300g)
・Swedenbi (5 fish)…40g)
・Potato starch (1 tablespoon)
・Edamame (boiled)…20g)
・Dashi soup stock (how to make)…300ml)
・A…Mirin (1/2 teaspoon)
Soy sauce (1/3 teaspoon)
Salt (1 knob)
(for one person)
Energy: 79kcal
Vegetable amount: 150g
Salt: 0.8g
How to make it
1 Peel the winter melon, remove cotton, cut it into bite-sized pieces, and boil in dashi soup until the bamboo skewer passes.
2 For shrimp, remove the back cotton, cut it in half, and sprinkle with potato starch.
Add the seasoning, peeled shrimp, and green soybeans to 1, boil, thicken it, and cool as it is broth.
Caponanata ~ stewed summer vegetable tomato ~
Example of cooking caponatara, stewed summer vegetables-Materials (for 2 people)
・Ripe tomatoes (1/2 pcs)…75g)
・Onion (1/4 pieces)…50g)
・Eggplant (1/2 pieces)…50g)
・Zucchini (1/4 bottles)…35g)
・Paprika (1/4 pieces)…25g)
・Ceroli (1/4 bottles)…25g)
・Okra (1 bottle)…10g)
・Garlic (1/4 pieces)…3g)
・Olive oil (1 tablespoon)
・Salt (1/3 teaspoon)
・Pepper (a little)
・Basil (a little)
(for one person)
Energy: 104kcal
Vegetable amount: 136.5g
Salt: 0.8g
How to make it
1 Cut tomatoes, onions, eggplants, zucchini, paprika and okra into bite-sized pieces.
Ceroli is cut by removing the leaves and streaks. Grill the garlic with a kitchen knife.
2 Put olive oil and garlic in a pan, fry over low heat. When the scent comes out, add celery and onion and fry slowly. When it becomes soft, add the tomato to a boil, then turn it over medium heat and boil a little.
32 Put the remaining vegetables in 2, cover when boiling again, and boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. (Sometimes, stir the whole with a wooden spatula from the bottom of the pot so that it does not burn.)
4 Finally, adjust the taste with salt and pepper and decorate the basil.
It's delicious without basil.

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Taste Recipe 2

Prepared by the Izumi Ward Health Mate (Izumi Ward Health Mate)
Published from "Taste Recipe 2"-Cook collection using vegetables from Izumi Ward

Health and Welfare Division Published in March 2011

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