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Autumn recipe 2:Izumi Ward vegetables

Last Updated December 11, 2023

Swedish sprung chrysanthemum and yellow chrysanthemum
Example of cooking of laver vinegar and yellow chrysanthemum.Materials (for 2 people)
・Chrysanthemum (140g)
・Chrysanthemum (2 pieces)
・Glue (appropriate amount)
・A…Soy sauce (1 teaspoon)
Vinegar (2 teaspoons)
Dashi soup (1 tablespoon)
(for one person)
Energy: 20kcal
Vegetable amount: 70g
Salt: 0.6g

How to make it
1 Boil the chrysanthemum, squeeze with water, and cut into 3 cm lengths.
The yellow chrysanthemum is pinch the petals, boil quickly in hot water with a little vinegar <not included>, and squeeze it to the water.
Combine 2 A, add 1 spring chrysanthemum and yellow chrysanthemum, and add the glue.

Radish and carrot boiled rice
Example of cooking of radish and carrotMaterials (for 2 people)
・Radish (160g)
・Carrot (40g)
・Green peas (20g)
Dashi soup (200ml)
・Sake (2 teaspoons)
・Salt (1/4 teaspoon)
・Water-soluble potato starch
…Potato starch (1 tbsp) water (1 tbsp)
・Ginger juice (a little)
(for one person)
Energy: 40kcal
Vegetable amount: 110g
Salt: 0.7g
How to make it
1 Cut radish into 1.5cm. Carrot is cut a little smaller than radish.
2 Put 1 and soup stock in a pan, heat. When boiling, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, add sake and salt, and cook until soft.
3 Finally, add green peas and water-soluble starch. If thickened, drop the ginger juice and stop the heat.
Cabbage and jellyfish stir-fry oyster sauce
Cooking example of stir-fried oyster sauce with cabbage and jellyfishMaterials (for 2 people)
・Cabbage (200g)
・Leek (50g)
・Jellyfish (8g)
・Eggs (2 pieces)
・Pork thigh meat (thin sliced)…60g)
・Garlic (5g)
・Salad oil (for 2)…1 tbsp)
・Salad oil (for 3)…1 tbsp)
・Solid consomme (1 piece)…4g)
・A…Sake (2 teaspoons)
Soy sauce (1 teaspoon)
Oyster sauce (1 tbsp)
Pepper (a little)
・Sesame oil (1/2 teaspoon)
(for one person)
Energy: 229kcal
Vegetable amount: 128g
Salt: 1.8g
How to make it
1 Return the jellyfish with hot water and cut large ones into two or three.
Cabbage is cut into 3cm squares, and core is sliced diagonally.
Leek is sliced diagonally sliced. Garlic is sliced.
For pork, remove the fat and cut it into about 2 cm.
I'll break the eggs. Grace the solid consomme.
2 Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a frying pan, add eggs, stir largely, make a soft roasted egg, and take it out.
3 Wipe the same frying pan, heat 1 teaspoon of oil, fry garlic, fry cabbage core, pork, green onion, and jellyfish in that order, and finally add cabbage.
4 Add the crushed consomme to 3 and mix lightly, add A and fry, and finally add sesame oil.
Put 4 on a plate and put 2 on top of it.
Lotus root salad
Example of cooking lotus root saladMaterials (for 2 people)
・Lotus root (100g)
・Cucumber (1/2 pcs)…50g)
・Salt (a little)
・Ham (1 sheet)
・A…Vinegar (2 tablespoons)
Sugar (1/2 tablespoons)
Salt (a little)
・B…Sesame (1 tablespoon)
Mayonnaise (1 tablespoon)
Mustard (a little)
(for one person)
Energy: 115kcal
Vegetable amount: 75g
Salt: 0.5g
How to make it
1 Slice the lotus root, put it in vinegar water <not included>, and drain the water.
Cut the cucumbers and sprinkle with salt.
Cut the ham into bite-sized pieces.
2 Put A and lotus root in a pan and roasted.
Mix 3, add 2 lotus root and 1 cucumber and ham.
Eggplant and komatsuna with sweet vinegar miso
Cooking example of eggplant and komatsuna with sweet vinegar misoMaterials (for 2 people)
・Eggplant (one bottle)…100g)
・Komatsuna (150g)
・A thick fried chicken (1/2 sheets)…75g)
・Paprika (a little)
・A…Miso (1 tablespoon)
Sugar (1/2 tablespoons)
Mirin (1/2 tablespoons)
Vinegar (1 tablespoon)
Sesame (1 tbsp)
Skim milk (1/2 teaspoon)
(for one person)
Energy: 127kcal
Vegetable amount: 125g
Salt: 1.1g
How to make it
1 Eggplant is cut in half length and cut into four lengths. Boil the komatsuna and cut it into 3cm.
For thick fried chicken, pour hot water and divide into 6 equal parts. Paprika is thick shredded.
2 Place the eggplant on a baking dish and take 3 minutes in the microwave oven <500w>.
Mix the A.
4 Serve 1 Komatsuna, thick fried, paprika and eggplant eggplant of 2 on a plate, and pour 3 sweet vinegar miso.

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Taste Recipe 2

Prepared by the Izumi Ward Health Mate (Izumi Ward Health Mate)
Published from "Taste Recipe 2"-Cook collection using vegetables from Izumi Ward

Health and Welfare Division Published in March 2011

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