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- About the status of appointment and dismissal of staff who are disabled
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About the status of appointment and dismissal of staff who are disabled
Last Updated December 27, 2024
The situation of appointment and dismissal of the staff who are disabled in Yokohama-shi as of June 1, 2024 is as follows.
A Status of Appointment and Exemption
(1) Number of Employees
a Number of employees (excluding short-time employees) 51,590
b Number of short-time employees 2,121
c Total number of staff = a + (b x 0.5) 52,650.5
(2) Number of employees excluded
d Number of employees excluded (excluding short-time employees) 3,832
e Number of employees excluding short working hours 0
f Total number of exclusion staff =d + (e x 0.5) 3,832.0
(3) Number of former exclusion staff
3 Number of formerly excluded employees (excluding short-time employees) 18,372
H Number of former employees who work shorter hours 263
i Total number of former exclusion staff =g + (h x 0.5) 18,503.5
(4) Number of employees who are physically disabled, mentally disabled, or mentally disabled
(b) 233 people with severe physical disabilities (13)
(b) 276 persons with disabilities other than those with severe physical disabilities (25)
(c) Short-time employees who are severely disabled * Persons (0)
(ni) Short-time employees who are physically disabled other than those with severe physical disabilities * Persons (0)
(ho) Specified short-time working staff * Persons who are severely disabled (0)
(He) Number of physically handicapped persons = (i x 2) + b + c + ((ni + ho) x 0.5) 748.5 (51)
(t) 0 people with severe intellectual disabilities (0)
(c) 91 persons with intellectual disabilities other than those with severe intellectual disabilities (11)
(ri) 0 short-time employees with severe intellectual disabilities (0)
(N) 0 short-time employees who are intellectually disabled other than those with severe intellectual disabilities (0)
(l) 0 short-time employees who are severely mentally disabled (0)
(o) Number of persons with intellectual disabilities = (to x 2) + Chi + Li + ((nu + l) x 0.5) 91.0 (11)
(W) 221 mentally ill persons (54)
(c) 0 short-time employees who are mentally ill (0)
(Yo) 0 fixed-time employees who are mentally ill (0)
(ta) Number of mentally ill persons = wa + mosquito + (Yo x 0.5) 221.0 (54)
※ (4) In parentheses in the column, the number of persons newly hired during the year before June 1, this year is indicated as the number of persons newly hired.
B Calculation based on the above
(5) Exclusion rate currently set 20%
(6) Reference ratio = {(3)i/ ((1)c-(2)f)} x 100 37%
(7) Exclusion rate based on (6) 15%
(8) Applied exclusion rate 20%
(9) Number of employees who are the basis for calculating the number of legally employed persons = (1)c-(2)f-{ ((1)c-(2)f) x (8)} 39,055.5
(10) Total number of persons with disabilities = (4) + (4) + (4) Ta 1,060.5
(11) Actual employment rate = ((10)/(9)) x 100 2.72%
(12) 32.5 persons with physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities or mental disabilities who must be employed to achieve the number of persons with statutory employment:
Number of persons with disabilities by type listed in the separate table of the Act on Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities
Visually impaired persons (persons who fall under the first)
29 people with visual impairment
Visual impairment 19
Hearing or balance dysfunction (person corresponding to item 2)
Hearing dysfunction 74
Balance dysfunction * People
Persons with speech, language, and masticatory dysfunction (persons who fall under the third) * People
Persons with physical disabilities (persons who fall under No. 4)
99 people with upper limb disabilities
Lower limb disability 133
18 trunk dysfunction
Upper limb dysfunction * People
Mobile dysfunction * People
Persons with internal disabilities (persons who fall under item 5)
Heart dysfunction 73 people
Renal dysfunction 34 people
Respiratory dysfunction * People
12 bladder or rectal dysfunction
Small bowel dysfunction * People
Immunological dysfunction * People
Liver dysfunction * People
※ *Since there is a small number, it is not disclosed because a specific person is a disabled person and the degree of the disability may be presumed.
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Email address: so-jinji@city.yokohama.jp
Page ID: 289-954-105