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  6. Press Release FY2022
  7. Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company donated 1,386,000 yen to promote health promotion business and health management at city offices-We will give you a letter of appreciation from Takeharu Yamanaka The Mayor of Yokohama-

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Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company donated 1,386,000 yen to promote health promotion business and health management at city offices-We will give you a letter of appreciation from Takeharu Yamanaka The Mayor of Yokohama-

Last Updated December 12, 2022

Press release materials

December 12, 2022

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Services Division

Miki Iwamatsu

Phone number: 045-671-3376

Fax: 045-663-4469

 This time, Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company (Managing Executive Officer, Kanagawa Headquarters: Shiro Kishimoto) donated 1,386,000 yen for the promotion of health promotion business and health management at city offices. .
 In order to express our gratitude to you, we will present a letter of appreciation from The Mayor of Yokohama Yamanaka.

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