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Projects under which opinions are being solicited, Current Implementation Status

Those that publish "drafts" such as plans and businesses

Date of last updated August 31, 2024

We announce "plan" such as plan or business and introduce item raising opinion according to system among thing targeting citizen of opinion offer according to system. For more information, please refer to each page.

1 Projects under which opinions are being raised by the Yokohama City Public Comment Procedures

With public comment (※), we impose duties on development such as plans of city and duty on citizen and, in process such as establishment of the regulations and other systems to limit right, we announce widely at stage when plan became concrete, and citizen We ask for opinion or suggestion and clarify way of thinking of executing agency (bureau, general headquarters having jurisdiction over plan) for submitted opinions and make decision as execution agency in consideration of useful opinions Thing.

(※) In general, it refers to "opinion offer by administration", but in Yokohama-shi, only thing which matched contents of conduct summary are treated as "Yokohama-shi public comment".

Projects currently being recruited
NameOpinion solicitation periodContact information
About town development regulations revision of Yokohama-shi welfareFrom Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Until Thursday, September 5, 2024

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health and Welfare Division

Phone: 045-671-2387

FAX: 045-664-3622

2 Items for which opinions are being solicited in the public opinion solicitation procedure pertaining to rules, etc.

Procedures to publish the plan and related materials in advance when establishing, revising, or abolishing rules, examination standards, disposal standards, or administrative guidance guidelines, publicizing the plan and related materials in advance, and seeking opinions from citizens and other related parties is.

3 Projects for which opinions are being solicited in the “Preliminary Evaluation of Public Works Evaluation System”

Before embarking on public works, we announce the necessity and effects of the business and solicit opinions from citizens to further improve the transparency of the business, promote the priority of the business, and limited resources It is Motoichi original system for the purpose of executing efficient and effective.

Projects currently being recruited
NameOpinion solicitation periodContact information
There are no proposals for opinions currently being raised.

4 Other opinion solicitation

Of opinion offer that does not correspond to 1 to 3 above, each ward, bureau, general headquarters shows design or plan for citizen and publishes matter raising opinions for it . In addition, there are other things that each ward, bureau, and general headquarters carry out independently.

Projects currently being recruited
NameOpinion solicitation periodContact information
There are no proposals for opinions currently being raised.

For inquiries to this page

Yokohama City Civil Affairs Bureau Public Affairs Consultation Section

Phone: 045-671-2335

Phone: 045-671-2335

Fax: 045-212-0911

Email address:

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