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About revision of the regulations

Last Updated August 5, 2024

About direction of town development regulations revision of Yokohama-shi welfare, we raise opinions from citizen's everybody.

In the Yokohama City Welfare Town Development Ordinance, in the prior consultation on facility maintenance performed by the city and businesses to maintain an environment where the elderly and disabled can use the facilities safely and smoothly and participate in all activities, We are planning to revise the awareness of the provision of reasonable accommodation and plan to make revisions to lead to practice.
As we repeated examination in town development promotion meetings of the welfare and gathered direction of the regulations revision, we raise opinions of citizen's all of you.

Background and Purpose of Ordinance Revision

"The Act on the Promotion of Elimination of Discrimination Due to Disability, social barriers are social barriers to social barriers for persons with disabilities to face in daily and social life are social barriers. I'm calling it.
In order to remove social barriers, we are asking cities and businesses to improve the environment, such as building improvement and training for staff, so that reasonable accommodation can be provided accurately.
Therefore, in Yokohama City, in order to maintain an environment where the elderly and disabled can use the facilities safely and smoothly and participate in all activities, in discussions conducted by the city and businesses, awareness of the provision of reasonable accommodations. We will establish procedures to deepen and lead to practice, and review the responsibilities that will be the basis.
In addition, other articles will be revised in order to reflect changes in social conditions in recent years.

Direction of ordinance revision

  1. We establish that measure based on the welfare town development regulations contribute to realization of symbiotic society.
  2. We have established a new obligation to improve the environment to accurately provide reasonable accommodations.
  3. We will review the articles based on the principles and ideas of related laws such as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities.

For more information, please refer to the official website.
※Braille materials of this public comment can be viewed at each ward office Public Relations Section and Citizen Information Room.
※We distribute paper of public comment in each ward office Public Relations Section.

Reference Information

Application period

From August 7, 6 (Wed.) to September 5, 6 (Thu.)


・We will not respond directly to your comments.
 In addition, we will not accept opinions over the phone because it is necessary to accurately grasp opinions.
・Personal information obtained with the submission of opinions will be properly managed in accordance with the "Ordinance on the Protection of Yokohama City Personal Information" and will be used only for communication and confirmation if there are any questions about the content of the opinion. To do.
・Please note that the content of your opinion may be disclosed except for the name, Address, Phone number and e-mail address.

How to submit opinions

Submission by electronic application and notification system

I would like presentation from Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system (outside site).
Pre-registration or login to the Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System are not required.

Submission by e-mail

Please enter your opinion in the following opinion submission form
Please put [Public Comment] in the subject and send it to the following e-mail address.
Email address:

Submission by mail

Please fill in the opinion submission form and submit your opinion.
Please mail it to the following address.
〒231-0005 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama Address: Health and Welfare Division Health and Social Welfare Bureau

Submission by fax

Please fill in your opinion in the opinion submission form and send it to the following number.
045-664-3622 Address: Health and Welfare Division Health and Social Welfare Bureau Welfare Community Development

Revision of the City Welfare Town Development Ordinance (January 1, 2014)

We enforced "town development regulations of Yokohama-shi welfare" which we revised on January 1, 2014. (Promulgated on December 28, 2012)
Full text of the ordinance (PDF: 233KB)
Examples of Examples of the Revision Article (PDF: 154KB)

About citizen opinion offer result

The results of the opinion solicitation conducted from Monday, July 9, 2012 to Friday, August 10, 2012, are as follows.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Opinion solicitation results (PDF: 243KB)
Opinion offer result (text file: 26KB)

About citizen opinion offer (offer was finished)

Outline of opinion solicitation

The call for opinions has been closed. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
In Yokohama-shi, "Yokohama-shi welfare town development regulations" which are voluntary regulations of Motoichi and "the regulations about building which Yokohama-shi elderly person, person with a disability can use smoothly (building barrier-free regulations) "is promoting barrier-free town development.
In order to respond to the social environment that is undergoing major changes such as declining birthrate and aging population, and to make the ordinance easy for citizens and businesses to understand, we plan to revise the welfare town development ordinance, including the unification with the building barrier-free ordinance. doing. As we summarized the regulations revision (draft), we raise opinions of citizen's all of you.

Direction of Review

  1. We unify town development regulations of welfare and building barrier-free regulations.
  2. We clearly state the philosophy of the welfare town development ordinance in the ordinance.
  3. About apartment house, in addition to the current effort rule (compliance) more than 1,000 square meters, we target more than 2,000 square meters newly targeted for duty rule and demand conformity with maintenance standard.

For more information, please refer to the following link.
Opinion solicitation document (PDF: 511KB)
Opinion offer document (word: 21KB)
※Braille materials in this public comment can be viewed at each ward office Public Relations Section, Citizen Information Office, and Chuo-toshokan.
※We distribute paper of public comment in each ward office Public Relations Section, community care plaza.

Opinion solicitation period

Opinion solicitation period: From Monday, July 9, 2012 to Friday, August 10, 2012

How to submit opinions

Please submit to Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health and Welfare Division Welfare Town Development Section by one of the following methods.

  1. E-mail ※The subject should be "Public Comments".
  2. Mail address 1-1 Minatomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0017, Japan
  3. FAX 045-664-3622


  1. Please note that we will not be able to respond individually to your comments.
  2. Please note that the content of your opinion may be disclosed, except for name, Address, Phone number and email address.
  3. We will properly manage personal information such as names and Address added to your opinion, and use it only for work related to public comments on this proposal, such as contacting and confirming any questions about the content of the opinion. I will.
  4. Other personal information will be handled appropriately in accordance with the "Ordinance on the Protection of Yokohama City Personal Information" (2005 Yokohama City Ordinance No. 6)".

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For inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Community Welfare Department Health and Welfare Division

Phone: 045-671-2387

Phone: 045-671-2387

Fax: 045-664-3622

Email address:

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Page ID: 192-050-682


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