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Public comment of Yokohama City

Last update date April 1, 2024

What is Public Comments in Yokohama?

With public comment in Yokohama-shi, based on conduct summary, we impose duties on citizens widely and, in process such as establishment of the regulations to limit right, we announce widely at the stage of plan in process such as establishment of the regulations to limit right We announce and ask for opinion or suggestion from citizen's all of you and clarify way of thinking of executing agency for submitted opinions and make decision as execution organization in consideration of useful opinions I say

What are the subject of public comments?

When developing or revising the long-term plan of the city specified in the separate table or other important basic plans, guidelines, etc. of the city.
2 When imposing obligations on citizens widely and establishing or revising ordinances and other systems that limit rights

Flow of Public Comment Procedure

1 Preparation of plans, etc.
2 Announcement of Public Comments
  Public information Yokohama, city homepage and press release, etc.
3. Publication of proposals and related materials
 (1) Distributed or viewed at the department in charge of planning, citizen information center, ward office Public Relations Section
 (2) Posting on the city homepage
4 Call for opinions or suggestions from citizens
 (1) Comments, etc. Period: 30 days or more from the start date of the call for opinions
 (2) How to submit opinions, etc.: Send documents to the competent department by mail, facsimile, e-mail, etc.
    ※To ensure accuracy, we do not accept verbal opinions by telephone or the next agency.
5 Decisions on plans, etc., taking into account the submitted opinions, etc., and publication of results
 (1) Method of publishing the results
  Oh, distribution or reading in jurisdiction section such as plans, citizen information center, ward office Public Relations Section
  Posting on i City homepage
 (2) Details of the Implementation Results
  A. Submitted opinions
  B) The Executing Agency's approach to opinions, etc.
   (Reasons for adopting opinions, etc., reasons for not incorporating opinions, etc.)
  (3) Approach to Announcement
  Oh, in principle, we perform publication by the time of intention indication (after final decision, we announce draft).
  (B) Publication of submitted opinions, etc., shall be made public as they are. However, in the following cases     
   Shall be able to organize and publish summaries or sentences in consideration of publicizing it widely to the public.
   (a) Opinions with a significant amount of text due to repeated repetitions
   (b) An opinion that the text is difficult
   (c) Clear text errors such as typographical errors
   (e) Products with a specific product name
   (O) Direction to web pages and SNS accounts other than those managed by Yokohama City
   (C) Advertisement and sales of specific products and services and soliciting them to specific organizations
   (C) Those that are not directly related to the proposal for which the public comment was implemented
  When we announce submitted opinions, we consider that we announce thing corresponding to the following widely to citizen and give opinions.
   It can be published in one form.
   (a) The same text except for Address and name
   (b) Opinions of the same purpose
  D) Of the opinions, etc., for those that fall under the following, some or all of the opinions may not be disclosed.
   That's right. If only a part is not disclosed, a summary or paraphrase, etc., so that the wording can be understood even if there is no undisclosed part.
   You can publish the contents of the sentences.
   (a) Non-disclosure information provided for in Article 78, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Law
   (b) Those that offensive to public order and morals
   (c) Slander of individuals or groups
   (e) There is a risk of harming the interests of third parties, such as clipping of information with a high level of personal or group-specific information or copyrighted work of others
   (O) Those that violate the purpose and basic principles of the outline 
  (E) We do not respond individually to the submitter, but to published opinions other than those that have been announced together and announced.
   About each opinion, we shall announce way of thinking as city.
  F) When opinions are summarized and published, use the appropriate method, such as browsing at the responsible section of the executing agency.
   You must make it public.
  When publishing opinions submitted by G citizen, we do not disclose personal information such as Address of opinion submitter and full name.
  At the time of the solicitation of opinions, the contents of the opinions received, etc. will be announced in advance that the contents of the opinions received will be announced.
   You need to find a solution.

Outline, etc.

Implementation Status

Opinion solicitation system other than public comment procedure

  • “General Affairs Bureau Legal Affairs Section”
    When establishing, revising, or abolishing rules, examination standards, disposal standards, or administrative guidance guidelines, publicly announce the plan and related materials in advance, and seek opinions from citizens and other stakeholders. Procedures
  • Opinion offer pertaining to "prior evaluation of public works" (Finance Bureau Public Facilities and Business Coordination Division)
    Before embarking on public works, we announce the necessity and effects of the project and solicit opinions from citizens to further improve the transparency of the business, promote the priority of the business, and limited resources were limited to Motoichi's original system for the purpose of executing financial resources efficiently and effectively
  • Other opinion solicitation (Each ward office, etc.)
    Of opinion offer that does not correspond to the above two cases, each ward, bureau shows design or plan for all citizens and seek opinions for it.

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For inquiries to this page

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Phone: 045-671-2335

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