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  8. About conduct of "2021 Yokohama-shi independence life stabilization support project" business consignment open call for participants type proposal (※ finished)

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About conduct of "2021 Yokohama-shi independence life stabilization support project" business consignment open call for participants type proposal (※ finished)

In Yokohama City, we are implementing the “Yokohama City Independent Living Stabilization Support Project,” which provides support for social security recipients who wish to move from simple lodgings or free low-cost accommodations to apartments, etc. About 2021, we recruit trust companies by open call for participants type proposal method as follows to perform similar business.

Last Updated May 10, 2021



"Yokohama City Independent Living Stabilization Support Project for FY2021" Business Outsourcing

Proposal results

Order information

Date of public notice

November 18, 2020


Events (consignment)

Location classification

None Specified

Corporate Scale

None Specified

Other conditions

A person who meets all of the following conditions:
(1) Being not a person listed in Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Yokohama City Contract Regulations (March 1964 Yokohama City Regulations No. 59) and a person who has the qualifications specified in the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same Article.
(2) In 2019, there must be registration of Yokohama-shi general competitive bidding qualified person list (related to article, trust) in 2019.
(3) Person who has not received nomination suspension according to rule of measures summary (April 1, 2004) such as suspension of Yokohama-shi nomination suspension on any day from presentation deadline of proposal participation intention proposal to trust candidate specific day Being.
(4) One of the general managers or relocation support staff engaged in this project shall be a home construction business operator. In addition, one of the independent living support members shall be qualified as a social worker or social welfare manager, and shall have experienced consultation work at social welfare facilities or welfare offices for at least three years.

Date of hearing

January 18, 2021

Date of hearing (time, etc.)

The business operator who submitted the proposal will be notified separately in writing.

About application

Documents to be submitted

Submission location

City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department Life Support Division
〒231-0005 10 16th floor of 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama

Application method

Bring or mail (in the case of mail, please use registered mail and send it so that it arrives during the following application period.)

Submission period

Until Monday, November 30, 2020 (Reiwa 2)
In the case of bringing, we accept from 9:00 am to noon on weekdays and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
For more details, please refer to the following URL.

Application deadline

November 30, 2020

Related materials

Related materials

Questions and answers

Questions and answers will be notified to all proposal-related document submission requesters.
If you do not have any questions, you do not need to submit a questionnaire.

Notification of participation qualification confirmation result and request for submission

We send participation qualification result book to group which submitted participation intention application.
(1) Documents to be issued
Notice of Confirmation of Participation Eligibility (Form 2)
(2) Delivery method
Postal mail
(3) Shipment date
It will be shipped on Monday, December 7, 2020 (Reiwa 2).

Other Documents and Communications

This contract is a condition that the Yokohama City General Account Budget for FY2021 will be suspended by the Yokohama City Council by March 31, 2021 (Reiwa 3).

Ordering Section

Ordering Section Information
Items Information for each item
Section in charge Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life Support Division
Address 〒231-0005 10 16th floor of 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Phone number 045-671-2403
Fax 045-664-0403
Other contact information

Contract Section

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life Support Division

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department Life Support Division

Telephone: 045-671-2403

Telephone: 045-671-2403

Fax: 045-664-0403

Email address:

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Page ID: 199-788-807


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