

Here's the text.

The latest information on The Long-term Care Insurance in FY2021

Notifications from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare regarding nursing care insurance systems, etc.

Last Updated April 15, 2022

※Please refer to WAMNET (external site) for item numbers not listed below.

The latest information on The Long-term Care Insurance



About sending about partial revision of "about designation such as community-based service companies in the municipalities and guidance supervision concerning office work such as guidance supervision" (PDF: 326KB)

March 31

About sending of (notification) about partial revision of "guidance inspection to affect welfare facility for the elderly" (PDF: 316KB)

March 31

About sending of (notice) about administration instruction manual such as care insurance facilities (PDF: 107KB)
Manual (PDF: 1,478KB)
Attachment 1 Confirmation Items / Confirmation Documents (PDF: 1,174KB)
Attachment 2 Self-Inspection Sheet (No. 101-110) (PDF: 3,697KB)
(No.201) (PDF:100KB)
(No.501) (PDF:32KB)
Attachment 3 Requirement Sheet (No. 101 to No. 111) (PDF: 5,186KB)
(No.201) (PDF:291KB)
(No.501) (PDF:62KB)

March 31

About sending of (notice) about instruction supervision such as care insurance facilities (PDF: 634KB)

March 31

About suspension of some functions such as inquiry forms with change of trust company of scientific care information system (LIFE) and future correspondence (PDF: 210KB)

March 31

About revision of "the handling of welfare equipment targeted for payment of The Long-term Care Insurance and house repair" (PDF: 1,052KB)

March 31

About some revisions such as "about the handling of paperwork such as user burden in care insurance system" (PDF: 3,887KB)

March 31

Ministerial Ordinance that partially revises the employee health insurance Law Enforcement Regulations (Notice) (PDF: 4,882KB)

March 31

About homepage publication such as "care prevention care management on demand training" (research business for spread promotion of appropriate care prevention care management technique (subsidies such as 2021 elderly person health business promotion costs)) (PDF: 149KB)

March 28
vol.1055About promulgation of notice to revise a part of item of specific welfare equipment pertaining to sale of specific welfare equipment specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare and item of specific care prevention welfare equipment pertaining to sale of specific care prevention welfare equipment specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare (PDF: 524KB)
March 28

About operation of upper limit system of local support business (care prevention, everyday life support synthesis business) (PDF: 374KB)

March 28

About revision point of 2022 area support project conduct summary (PDF: 110KB)

March 28

About communication of commentary video release of "practical training" of "research business for development of appropriate care management method, spread promotion (business such as health promotion for the elderly in 2021)" (information provision) [Part 4] (PDF: 684KB)

March 25

Promulgation of a Cabinet Order that partially revises the Cabinet Order on Calculation of National Treasury Contributions by The Long-term Care Insurance (Notice) (PDF: 162KB)

March 25

About style example about designation of care prevention, everyday life support synthesis business (PDF: 1,354KB)

March 25
vol.1049About partial revision of "style of care service plan and presentation of problem analysis standard item" (re-dissemination of The Long-term Care Insurance latest information Vol.958) (PDF: 6,266KB)March 24
vol.1048About sending of "Q & A about care staff treatment improvement support subsidy (Vol.3) (March 23, 2022)" (PDF: 504KB)March 23
vol.1047About holding of the Japan Dementia Public-Private Council 2021 General Meeting (PDF: 220KB)March 22

About sending of Q & A collection (additional) pertaining to the service provision system securing business such as nursing care service establishments during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 (PDF: 210KB)

March 18
vol.1045(4) Attachment 1 Standard for calculating the amount of expenses required for designated home service, Standard for calculating the amount of expenses required for designated home care support, Standard for calculating the amount of expenses required for designated facility services, Standard for calculating the amount of expenses required for designated care prevention services, Standard for calculating the amount of expenses required for designated community-based services and the amount required for designated community-based care prevention services 1.March 17


Handling of future financial support for The Long-term Care Insurance's first premium reduction measures in fiscal 2022 due to a decrease in income due to the impact of COVID-19 (PDF: 254KB)March 14

Regarding the enforcement of ministerial ordinances that amend part of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare-related ministerial ordinances for reviewing the standards for photographs required to be attached to applications, etc. (Nursing care) (PDF: 204KB)
Attachment (PDF: 118KB)

March 14

2021 care prevention activity spread deployment business (PDF: 1,050KB) care prevention spread enlightenment event "Let's gather lively!" About holding of commuting place (PDF: 1,050KB)

March 11

About partial revision of "basic way of thinking about specific treatment improvement addition such as care staff treatment improvement addition and care staff and presentation of paperwork procedure and style example" (PDF: 2,346KB)
Attachment Form 2 (Excel: 323KB)
Attachment Form 3 (Excel: 148KB)
Attachment Form 4 (Excel: 24KB)

March 11

About partial revision of "about conduct such as certification for long-term care" (PDF: 1,563KB)

March 11
vol.1039About sending of Q & A collection (additional) pertaining to the service provision system securing business such as nursing care service establishments during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 (PDF: 181KB)March 4
vol.1038About communication of publication of interview video (the fourth) (information offer) [Part 3] (PDF: 2021) (PDF: 202KB)February 28

About sending of "Q & A about care staff treatment improvement support subsidy (Vol.2) (February 22, 2022)" (PDF: 170KB)

February 22

About extension of financial support for reduction of taxes measures such as user burden of insured person affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake (PDF: 391KB)

February 22

About sending of "Q & A about 2021 Revision of Nursing Care Fees (Vol.11) (February 21, 2022)" (PDF: 276KB)

February 21

Temporary handling such as personnel standards of nursing care service establishments pertaining to COVID-19 infection (27th report) (PDF: 193KB)
Attachment (Excel: 34KB)

February 9
vol.1033About revision point of 2021 area support project grant grant summary (PDF: 20KB)February 7
vol.1032"Survey and research project for the formulation of appropriate care management methods and promotion of spread (project for health promotion for the elderly in 2021)" Committee About notification of release of interview video (third) (information provision) [Part 3] (PDF: 257KB)February 1
vol.1031About sending of "Q & A about care staff treatment improvement support subsidy (January 31, 2022)" (PDF: 482KB)

January 31


About setting of leaflet for care service establishments, facilities pertaining to care staff treatment improvement support subsidy and call center (PDF: 355KB)
Attachment (Power Point: 87KB)
Reference 1 (PDF: 149KB)
Reference 2 (Excel: 127KB)
Reference 3 (Excel: 105KB)
Reference 4 (Excel: 24KB)

January 26
vol.1029About calculation office work of large amount of care service costs of person targeted for public expenditure medical care (Part 2) (PDF: 167KB)January 26
vol.1028About publication of national average rental price of welfare equipment applied from July, 2022 loan amount and upper limit of loan price (for new product) (PDF: 163KB)January 26
vol.1027About communication of publication of interview video (the second) (information offer) [part 3] (PDF: 255KB)January 21
vol.1026About "care staff treatment improvement support subsidy" (PDF: 476KB)December 27

The Long-term Care Insurance's first insurance premiums due to a decrease in income due to the impact of COVID-19 (Part 3) (PDF: 266KB)

December 24

About calculation office work of large amount of care service costs of person targeted for public expenditure medical care (request) (PDF: 133KB)

December 23

vol.1023About communication of publication of interview video (the first) (information offer) [part 3] (PDF: 255KB)December 21
vol.1022Notes on the implementation of initiatives such as commuting places in consideration of the prevention of COVID-19 infection (Part 2) (PDF: 1,528KB)December 15

About the fifth recruitment in FY2021 related to on-the-job training for infection control (PDF: 1,080KB)

November 18

About "guidelines of care prevention, everyday life support synthesis business" and "about conduct of care prevention care management (the first care prevention support project) in care prevention, everyday life support synthesis business and utilization of care prevention notebook" About partial revision (PDF: 135KB)

November 15

"Infection prevention measures support project at nursing care service establishments and facilities" and "Disability welfare services related to COVID-19 infection" in the "Project to secure service provision system for nursing care service establishments under the spread of COVID-19 infection" About outsourcing of "infection prevention measures support project in disability welfare service facilities, establishments" in "service continuation support project for establishments, etc." to the Federation of National Health Insurance Organizations (PDF: 5151515151515KB)

November 11
vol.1018About request for cooperation to investigation (2021 survey) concerning effect verification of nursing care fee revision in 2021 and investigation (re-cooperation request) (PDF: 227KB)November 11
vol.1017Results of the FY2020 The Long-term Care Insurance Administrative Survey (PDF: 608KB)November 4
vol.1016About publication of national average rental price of welfare equipment applied from April, 2022 loan amount and upper limit of loan price (for new product) (PDF: 162KB)October 22
vol.1015About the fourth recruitment in FY2021 related to on-the-job training for infection control (PDF: 989KB)October 20
vol.1014Request for cooperation in the 2021 Nursing Care Fee Revision and the Survey on Research (2021 Survey) (PDF: 211KB)October 11
vol.1013About publicity pertaining to conduct of workshop such as care staff treatment improvement addition in 2021 (request) (PDF: 137KB)October 1
vol.1012About enforcement (Article 2 relations) of ministerial ordinance to revise a part of the law enforcement regulations about promotion of comprehensive security of medical care and nursing care in area (PDF: 193KB)September 30

About publicity of "continuation support of infection prevention measures" (PDF: 271KB)

September 28

About reception system of inquiry about scientific care information system (LIFE) (PDF: 170KB)

September 27

About care plan verification to extract in home care support establishment unit (common knowledge) (PDF: 914KB)

September 22
vol.1008About revision point of 2021 area support project conduct summary (PDF: 19KB)September 21
Vol.1007About the third recruitment in FY2021 pertaining to on-the-job training for infection control (PDF: 485KB)September 16
Vol.1006Notification and application of "Standards specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare prescribed in Article 13, Item 18-3 of the Standards for Personnel and Operation of Businesses such as Designated Home Care Support" (Notification) (PDF: 251KB)September 14

About communication of commentary video release such as "guide" of "research business for development of appropriate care management technique, spread promotion (business such as health promotion for the elderly in 2021)" (information provision) [Part 2] (PDF: 166KB)

August 24

"Effective support for the prevention of long-term care pertaining to the staff, facilities and operation of the designated community-based service business and the staff, facilities and operation of the business of the designated community-based care prevention service and the designated community-based care prevention service About promulgation and enforcement of "Ministerial ordinance to revise a part of the standards for methods" (Notification) (PDF: 382KB)

August 19

About "guide of entry of certification questionnaire", "guide of entry of family doctor opinion book" and "diagnosis standard for specific disease" in certification for long-term care (PDF: 3,515KB)

August 16

Temporary handling such as personnel standards of nursing care service establishments pertaining to COVID-19 infection (26th report) (PDF: 336KB)

August 11

About matter to revise a part of guideline according to business field to affect nursing care field (notification) (PDF: 498KB)

July 30
Vol.1000Regarding the handling of exemption from the number of hours of post-entry training in nursing care occupations following the enforcement of the "Ministerial Ordinance Revision of Part of the Enforcement Regulations on the Proper Implementation of Technical Intern Training for Foreigners and the Protection of Technical Intern Trainees" (PDF: 210KB)

July 27

Vol.999About publication of national average rental price of welfare equipment applied from January, 2022 loan amount and upper limit of loan price (for new product) (PDF: 167KB)July 27

Temporary handling such as personnel standards of nursing care service establishments pertaining to COVID-19 infection (25th report) (PDF: 167KB)

July 19

About the handling of paperwork such as user burden in care insurance system (PDF: 4,639KB)

July 5
Vol.996Prevention of mistakes in COVID-19 Vaccinations in facilities for the elderly (PDF: 449KB)July 2
Vol.995Temporary handling such as personnel standards of nursing care service establishments pertaining to COVID-19 infection (24th report) (PDF: 152KB)July 2
Vol.994"About the standards set by the Minister of Business Affairs in light of specific occupations and circumstances specific to work stipulated in the Law Enforcement Regulations on the Proper Implementation of Technical Intern Training for Foreigners and the Protection of Technical Intern Trainees" Partial revision (PDF: 342KB)June 30
Vol.993About sending of Q & A about specific treatment re-election addition such as care staff treatment improvement addition and care staff (PDF: 173KB)June 29
Vol.992About "guide" of "research business for spread promotion of appropriate care management technique (business such as health promotion for the elderly health promotion in 2020)" (information provision) [Part 1] (PDF: 134KB)June 23
Vol.991About sending of "Q & A about 2021 Revision of Nursing Care Fees (vol.10) (June 9, 2021)" (PDF: 1,615KB)June 9
Vol.990Temporary handling such as personnel standards of nursing care service establishments pertaining to COVID-19 infection (23rd report) (PDF: 996KB)June 8
Vol.989About error of "partial revision such as" standard about facilities of special elderly nursing home and administration "" (PDF: 770KB)June 8
Vol.988About collection of harassment cases at nursing care sites (common knowledge) (PDF: 549KB)June 8


Regarding the handling of concurrent work of doctors and nurses to strengthen the vaccination system for COVID-19 vaccine (request) (PDF: 201KB)June 3
Vol.986The Long-term Care Insurance's first premium due to a decrease in income due to the impact of COVID-19, etc. (Part 2) (PDF: 272KB)June 2
Vol.985About request for cooperation to publicity pertaining to review of care insurance system from August, 2021 (PDF: 1,620KB)May 28
Vol.984About the second recruitment in FY2021 concerning on-the-job training for infection control (PDF: 968KB)May 28
Vol.983About result of investigation (2020 investigation) pertaining to effect verification of care fee revision in 2018 and investigation (final version, information provision) (PDF: 125KB)May 28
Vol.982About promulgation of "law about maintenance of related laws to plan promotion of reform to raise local independence and independence" (notification) (PDF: 234KB)May 26
Vol.981Measures to prevent infection in facilities for the elderly and support measures in the event of an infected person, including in-house medical treatment (PDF: 208KB)May 21
Vol.980Based on the provisions of the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare's area specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare and the area specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare based on the provisions of the island and other areas specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare based on the provisions of the area No. 6 specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare About promulgation of notice to revise a part of the area specified by (PDF: 360)May 20
Vol.979Temporary handling such as personnel standards of nursing care service establishments pertaining to COVID-19 infection (22nd report) (PDF: 123KB)May 20
Vol.978About systems that can be utilized when infected with COVID-19 infection occurs in facilities for the elderly (PDF: 6,914KB)May 18

About report of "research business about duties burden in home care support (business such as health promotion for the elderly in 2020)" (information provision) (PDF: 447KB)

May 12
Vol.976Temporary handling such as personnel standards of nursing care service establishments pertaining to COVID-19 infection (21st report) (PDF: 121KB)May 6
Vol.975About sending of "Q & A (Vol.9) on Revision of Nursing Care Fees for FY2021 (April 30, 2021)" (PDF: 163KB)April 30
Vol.974About sending of "Q & A about 2021 Revision of Nursing Care Fees (Vol.8) (April 26, 2021)" (PDF: 1,079KB)April 26
Vol.973About correspondence to affect scientific care information system (LIFE) (PDF: 358KB)April 23
Vol.972About promotion of approach such as care prevention, watching in consideration of prevention of spread of COVID-19 infection (rethorough) (PDF: 533KB)April 23
Vol.971About service continuation by care service establishment (Part 3) (PDF: 3,366KB)April 23
Vol.970About publication of national average rental price of welfare equipment applied from October, 2021 loan amount and upper limit of loan price (for new product) (PDF: 393KB)April 23

About errone of notification related to nursing care fee revision in 2021 (PDF: 4,721KB)

April 22
Vol.968About sending of "Q & A about 2021 revision of nursing care fee (Vol.7) (April 21, 2021)" (PDF: 431KB)April 21
Vol.967About the first recruitment in FY2021 related to on-the-job training for infection control (PDF: 596KB)April 20
Vol.966About sending of Q & A (vol.6) (April 15, 2021) about revision of nursing care fee in 2021 (PDF: 233KB)April 15
Vol.965About sending of Q & A (vol.5) (April 9, 2021) about revision of nursing care fee in 2021 (PDF: 1,004KB)April 9
Vol.964About operation of "scientific care information system (LIFE)" from April, 2021 (PDF: 682KB)April 5
Vol.963Temporary handling such as personnel standards of nursing care service establishments pertaining to COVID-19 infection (20th report) (PDF: 195KB)April 5
Vol.962About enforcement of ministerial ordinance to revise a part of ministerial ordinance about request such as care payment costs and expenses related to public expenditure medical care (notification) (PDF: 187KB)April 1
Vol.961About the enforcement such as government ordinances to revise a part of the Nursing Care Insurance Law enforcement order (notification) (PDF: 133KB)

April 1

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