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Ekoda Yokoana

Last Updated October 23, 2018

Cultural assets are important assets that have been passed down for a long time.
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Ekoda Yokoana

Map of Ekoda Yokoana

(Provided by City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat Office)

Name (furigana)

Ekoda Yokoana (Ekoda Oketsu)

Classification/Designated Date

Historic Site November 1, 1993 City Designated


Ekoda Yokoana is located in Ekoda Asahi Park, and is also known as the Ekoda Kankan hole. Two horizontal cave tombs are lined up on the southern slope of the plateau at an altitude of about 45 meters upstream of the Hayabuchi River. It is considered to be the tomb of the influential people in this area around the first half of the 7th century. Excavations were carried out in the first year of the Showa era and the 1930s. One unit located on the west side imitates a gabled house shape with a total length of 6 meters from the entrance to the back wall, and the entrance room containing the remains is 3.7 meters long, 3.2 meters wide, and 2.2 meters high. On the ceiling, ridges, girders, pillars, parent rafters, and bundles. It is very rare in the city area, suggesting the uniqueness of the buried person is shown.

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