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Ushigome lion dance

Last Updated October 23, 2018

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Ushigome lion dance

Ushigome's lion dance (Shinmei Shrine / Kinjin Shrine) Area Map

(Provided by City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat Office)

Name (furigana)

Ushigome lion dance (Ushigome's end)

Classification/Designated Date

Intangible folklore February 13, 2001 Designated by the prefecture


A lion dance dedicated to Saturdays and Sundays in early October at Shinmei Shrine in Azamino and Shinishikawa's phenomenal shrine. This lion dance is a representative example of Yokohama, a single three-headed lion dance distributed in the Kanto, Tohoku, and Shinetsu regions. There are three lion heads, two male lions with a sword angle and a winding corner and one female lion with a jewel. It is decorated with chicken wings and a red cloth hanging. The three dancers are written by a judge (a piece that looks like a combination of monpe and leg undergarment). ・Wearing white tabi and sandals, put a drum on your chest, and dance while hitting a bee. In addition, there are roles such as one "Yes chasing", two "Sasarako", one "Mantomochi", and two "Oman Lantern". In addition, three conch shells, several flutes, and several singing are adults and elders. On the day, prepare at the lion inn, knead to the shrine according to the song along the way, state the festival words in front of the shrine, and then three lions dance while entangled along with the song.

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