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For those who wish to use nursery schools in FY2024

For those who wish to use licensed nursery schools in fiscal 2024, we will provide information on required documents, application methods, deadlines, etc.

Last Updated July 2, 2024

 Childcare policies vary depending on the facility. In order to prevent mismatches after entering the park, be sure to visit the facilities you wish to use, "childcare policy", "atmos of the facility", "possibility of car pick-up", "response to allergies and chronic illness", "expenses", "how to use extended childcare / Saturday childcare", and "frequency of parent participation events". Please contact the facility directly for a tour of the facility. If you are unable to visit due to measures against infectious diseases, check by phone.

About application of nursery school (explanatory video)

In this video, we will show you how to apply for a nursery school in Yokohama. If you are applying for a nursery school for the first time, as well as those who have moved from another municipality, or those who have applied for a long time, please check this video first. From the type of nursery school to the application method and schedule, points are explained in an easy-to-understand manner in 10 minutes.

Inquiries about how to write documents and reception schedule [Exclusive Dial]

  • Phone: 045-664-2607
  • FAX: 045-840-1132

Opening hours: From 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (including weekends and holidays)

List of Childcare Facilities in Tsuzuki Ward  

List of Childcare Facilities and Kindergartens

  • Application to ward office
    Authorized nursery school, certified child institution (childcare use), home-based childcare business, small-scale childcare business, in-house childcare business (regional frame)
  • Application directly to the facility
    Yokohama nursery room, non-licensed nursery school, kindergarten, authorized child institution (use of kindergarten)

Garden selection site for parents "Ensearch support ★ Yokohama childcare" (outside site)
To those who are looking for childcare facilities in Yokohama (Yokohama City Page)

Usage Guide

Be sure to check it! To those who wish to use nursery schools in 2024 (Yokohama City Page)
Be sure to check it! 2024 Yokohama City Nursery School Usage Guide

  • Booklet distribution location
    Ward office, administrative service corner (Azamino Station, Shin-Yokohama Station), Child Care Support Center Popola, Popola Satellite

required documents

Documents required by all means

Please check the usage guide for FY2024 carefully before making it.

Other documents

Application for admission from May to March

Application method

  • Application for mailing
     32-1, Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi
     Tsuzuki Ward   Children and Families Support Division Childcare Administration
  • Window application
    Tsuzuki Ward  , Children and Families Support Division Childcare Administration Section (24th window, 2nd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office) 

Application deadline

Must arrive on the 10th of the previous month of the month you wish to enter.
※If the 10th is the closing date, the immediately preceding weekday opening date

Numbers that can be accepted

Number of admission accepted in August 2024 (PDF: 261KB)

Updated on the 1st of every month.
The status of admission to licensed nursery schools and other facilities will be posted on the Child and Youth Bureau website early every month.

Result notification

If the use is decided ... In principle, we will contact you by phone around the 21st of the month before the desired month to start use.
When it was not available ... We send "facility, business use adjustment result (pending) letter of advice".

  • Inquiries about the results are available on or after the 21st of each month.
  • In the case of pending, a (pending) notice will be issued only at the time of the initial review. If there is no addition of a nursery school you want to use, the (pending) notice will not be sent out from the following month, but will be notified only if you have decided.

≪Those who wish to prove that they are on hold.≫

  • If you need to prove that you are on hold and need proof that you are still on hold, you will be issued a separate "holding certificate". If you wish, please submit the “Preservation Certificate Grant Application” to the ward office Children and Families Support Division of your ward after the lifting date (21st of the previous month) of the entry result of the month you wish to certify.

  • It cannot be issued to those who do not apply for a nursery school during the target year or those who are not on hold in the desired certification month.

  • We will issue a payment authorization decision letter before or along with the results. If a valid payment certification decision letter has already been issued, it may not be issued again.

Expiration date of application

  • This application is valid until the entrance application in March 2025 (the end of 2024).
  • If it is put on hold, you will be automatically subject to usage adjustment for admission from the following month to March 2025 until the use is decided, so you do not need to apply again during the year.
  • If you wish to use a nursery school after April 2025, you need to apply for the use of April 2025 (next fiscal year) again. (Scheduled to start around October 2024)

Application for use of children who need special assistance

Prior consultation (reservation required) is required to apply for children who are worried about disability or development or need medical care.
In addition, the acceptance status of children with disabilities and children who need special support varies depending on the facility. Be sure to take a tour with your child to see if the desired nursery school is suitable for your child before consulting.

[Reservation Acceptance] Phone: 045-948-2321 FAX: 045-948-2309
※You may need a medical certificate from a related organization.

Application for prenatal child

You can apply only for the primary application in April. The primary application has been closed in April 2024.

Those who wish to have a nursery school outside the city

Applications will be made via Yokohama City to the municipality where the desired facility is located. Please note that the deadline will be based on the schedule of the municipality where the desired facility is located, not by the Yokohama City schedule. Please check the deadline and other required documents with the municipality where the desired facility is located in advance.

Application destination and application deadline

  • Application destination (for window application only)
    Tsuzuki Ward  , Children and Families Support Division Childcare Administration Section (24th window, 2nd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office)
  • Application deadline
    One week prior to the application deadline for the municipality where the desired facility is located

 ※You may be able to apply directly to the local government where the desired facility is located, so be sure to consult in advance.

required documents

①②Both of them are required.

①Style required in Yokohama City
Please check the usage guide carefully before creating it.

②Other documents required by the municipality where the desired facility is located

Those who live outside Yokohama City (if you wish to use facilities in Yokohama City)

Applications are made to Yokohama City via the childcare section of your municipality. As documents need to arrive by the deadline of Yokohama City, please apply in advance. In addition, please submit style of Yokohama-shi as much as possible to judge priorities based on standard of Yokohama-shi. If required items is not read, the priority may be reduced.

Application destination and application deadline

  • Application destination
    Childcare department in your current municipality

   ※When we can confirm that it is local government that does not carry out consignment consultation of transference, we can apply directly to Yokohama-shi is possible.
   ※In the case of direct application, please apply to the ward office of the transference destination, and if the transfer destination is undecided, please apply to the ward office with the first hope garden.

  • Application deadline
    10th of the month before the desired month of admission (must arrive)
    ※If the 10th is the closing date, the immediately preceding weekday opening date
  • Mailing address
     32-1, Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi
     Tsuzuki Ward   Children and Families Support Division Childcare Administration

required documents

Please check the usage guide carefully before creating it.

Those who are planning to move into Yokohama City

Those who plan to move into Yokohama City by the day before the desired start month will be treated the same as Yokohama citizens only if they can submit documents (*) that show that they will move in by the application deadline. (Those who apply for the primary application in April)
If you are unable to submit documents that can prove that you will be moving in by the application deadline, or if you do not plan to move in, you will be treated as a resident outside the city. (Those who are eligible for secondary applications in April)

※Examples of documents that show that you will move in

  • Copy of lease agreement
    The contract date, occupancy date, Address, and contractor are listed, and the lessor and borrower (name of the guardian applying for a nursery school) have been registered
  • Copy of real estate sales contract
    The contract date, delivery date, Address, and contractor are listed, and the seller and buyer (the name of the guardian applying for the nursery school) has been registered
  • Request for Transference and Pledge (PDF: 617KB)
    Those who apply from outside Yokohama City and who move into properties contracted or owned by relatives
  • Certificate of Transference (company house) (PDF: 197KB)
    Those who apply from outside Yokohama City and move into a property contracted or owned by the employer

Those who do not plan to move into Yokohama City

Even if you do not plan to move in, you can apply for use, but it will be treated as a resident outside the city and the priority will be reduced.
But we hope for "priority handling of children such as nursery teachers" and meet condition, it becomes priority judgment equivalent to city resident.

"Priority handling of children such as nursery teachers" required documents (all items 1 to 3)
※Temporary employees are not eligible for this treatment.

  1. Employment certificate
  2. Written pledge and certificate concerning employment of nursery teachers
  3. A copy of the certificate of qualification held (childcare card, etc.)

"Priority handling of children such as nursery teachers" Necessary conditions (all 1 to 3 must be met)

  1. Eligible labor contracts
    Have been engaged in childcare work for at least 64 hours a month
  2. Eligible qualifications
    Nursery teachers, nurses, public health nurses, midwives, associate nurses
  3. Eligible Workplaces
    Certified nursery schools in the city, certified child institution, Yokohama nursery room, licensed baby/infant nursery school, small-scale childcare business, home-based childcare business, company-led childcare business, company-led childcare business, Yokohama-shi private kindergarten custody childcare business (city-type custody childcare) Implementation garden, Yokohama-shi private kindergarten 2-year-old child acceptance promotion project implementation garden, infant temporary custody business or sick / post-sick child care business

※Kindergarten teachers are also acceptable for the Yokohama City Private Kindergarten and other custody childcare business (city-type custody childcare) implementation schools and Yokohama City Private Kindergarten 2-year-old child acceptance promotion project implementation garden.

※If you do not meet the conditions, even if you submit documents, you will be treated as a resident outside the city.

Withdrawal of application (including withdrawal of some desired facilities)

If you do not wish to apply for use, you will need to withdraw your application. Please submit "use application withdrawal form" to ward office Children and Families Support Division promptly. It is not possible to withdraw by verbal contact. If submission is delayed, the result may be disadvantaged because usage adjustments have already been made. In addition, in the case of relocation, even if you withdraw, you may not be able to continue using the facilities currently in the park even if you withdraw.

required documents, submission destination

  • Submission address
     32-1, Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi
     Tsuzuki Ward   Children and Families Support Division Childcare Administration
     Tsuzuki Ward  , Children and Families Support Division Childcare Administration Section (24th window, 2nd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office) 

Deadline for withdrawal

Application deadline for each month

Reference Information

Usage fees

Consultation on admission

Contact and telephone consultation

Tsuzuki Ward  , Children and Families Support Division Childcare Administration Section (24th window, 2nd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office)
Phone number: 045-948-2463
Implementation time: 8:45-17:00 on weekdays

Childcare Concierge Consultation [Reservation required]

Concierge consultations are not conducted in October, November, January, and February.
If you have not yet implemented or reservations are full, please contact us at the Tsuzuki Ward   Children and Families Support Division Childcare Section or by phone.

  • Date of implementation: April to September, December, and March
  • Implementation time: Weekdays 9:00 to 12:00, 14:00-16:00

Reservations can only be made using the electronic application system.
Click here to make a reservation.
Tsuzuki Ward   Childcare and Education Concierge Consultation Reservation Form (outside site)
※The reservation form will be available every month at the beginning of the previous month.

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For inquiries to this page

Tsuzuki Ward   Children and Families Support Division Childcare Administration

Phone: 045-948-2463

Phone: 045-948-2463

Fax: 045-948-2309

Email address:

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Page ID: 263-100-338

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