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Beware of scams that pretend to be refunds or pension benefits!

Last Updated July 4, 2023

There was a fraud that pretended to be an employee of the Midori Ward Office and called it for refunds and benefits to pension.
Refunds of insurance premiums and refunds and benefits from pension and medical expenses
 ・ We do the procedure in writing and do not perform the transfer procedure over the phone.
 ・ You will never be able to operate an ATM.
 ・ We don't ask you toll-free or contact your mobile phone.
 ・ The financial institution will not contact you.
If you receive a suspicious call, please do not contact the designated Phone number, check the name and affiliation of the other party, and consult the ward office or police again.

Inquiries to this page

Midori Ward Health and Welfare Center Insurance and Pension Division

Telephone: 045-930-2337

Telephone: 045-930-2337

Fax: 045-930-2347

Email address:

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Page ID: 141-175-600

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