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  3. Lifestyle and procedures
  4. family register Tax and Insurance
  5. National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
  6. Procedures for National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) without visiting the ward office

Here's the text.

Procedures for National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) without visiting the ward office

Last Updated March 9, 2021

In order to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection, we have reduced the number of windows and are working. Therefore, it is expected that the window will be crowded.

In order to prevent further spread of infectious diseases due to congestion, please mail the following procedures by mail. (For other procedures, please contact us.)
In the future, information will be updated from time to time.

・Fill out the documents with non- erasable writing utensils such as ballpoint pens (pencils and erasable ballpoint pens are not allowed).
・Please note that if the documents are incomplete, we may return the complete set of documents and ask you to resubmit.
・The mailing address is Kohoku pension office. (It is not a ward office.)

Kohoku pension Office
515, Mamedocho, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama-shi

・If you have an envelope for sending to the Japan pension Organization, please mail it using that envelope.
・You can download the registration form application form from the link below the table. (If you can not download, we will send you a style from the ward office if you can contact us.)

Procedure for mailing
Details of procedures Documents to be mailed
①Acquisition and change of National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) qualifications
②Application for payment and withdrawal of additional premiums
③Exemption from statutory exemption (disability pension recipients and livelihood assistance recipients)
④Notification of exemption from prenatal and postpartum
⑤Application for re-issuance of the pension notebook

①National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) registration form (Application Form)
①Documents confirming the date of Retirement (certificate of disqualification of employee health insurance, resignation slip, etc.)
③(Only the recipients of livelihood assistance)social security:
(social security receipt certificate, etc.)
④Those who know the date of childbirth (planned) (Mother and Child Handbook, etc.)

Application for exemption and postponement of insurance premiums

・National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) Premium Exemption and Deferral Application Form
・(Only for those who have left their jobs) employment insurance Insured Person's Certificate, employment insurance Eligibility Certificate, etc.
・(Only those who wish to be exempted due to a decrease in revenue due to COVID-19 infection) Petition for income (there is a form at the link below)

Application for special student payment

・Special application form for student payment
・Student ID card (back and front)

Renewal of disability pension's medical certificate Notification of disability status confirmation (medical certificate)

For the following, please contact the pension Office, Nenkin subscriber dial, or Nenkin Dial by telephone.
(Please tell us your basic pension number when making an inquiry.)
 ・Confirmation of the payment status of pension insurance premiums
 ・Request for reissue of annuity insurance payment form
 ・Matters related to special notice sent by the pension Office (see above for exemption from insurance premiums).
 ・Procedure for death

 Kohoku pension Office
 Nenkin subscriber dial
   0570-003-004 (Navi Dial) 
 Nenkin dial
   0570-05-1165 (Navi Dial) 

For inquiries to this page

Midori Ward Health and Welfare Center Insurance and Pension Division

Phone: 045-930-2337

Phone: 045-930-2337

Fax: 045-930-2347

Email address:

If you would like a specific answer by e-mail, please fill in your "Name", "Address" and "Date of Birth".

Return to the previous page

Page ID: 585-947-622

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