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Public Relations Library

This page summarizes publicity materials such as videos and booklets related to fee revision.

Last update date February 7, 2022

Public Relations Yokohama (issued in September 2021)

Public Relations Yokohama (issued in September 2021)

In the September issue of Public Information Yokohama Reiwa 3 (2021), we posted that "new rates will be applied from meter reading in September or October".

About revision of water rate

About revision of water rate

About revision of water rate of July, 2021, we summarized background and contents of rate revision, confirmation method of new rate, use of water rate in one document.

Notification of water rate revision

Leaflet "Notice of Water Rate Revision"

Water rates will be revised from July 1, 2021.
We will create a leaflet that briefly conveys the background and contents of the fee revision, and distribute it to customers when meter reading the water meter from March to April 2021.
There is also a quick reference table that shows the new fee at a glance from the meter diameter and the amount of water used by customers, so please take a look.
In addition, "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)" regarding water rate revision is also posted on the web page, so please refer to it.

※If you would like to know more about the revision of water rates, please refer to here.

Knowing the revision of water rates (Easy Japanese version (Nihongoban))

Flyer for Foreigners "Notice of Revision of Water Charges"

This is a flyer created in "Easy Japanese (Nihongo)" for foreigners living in Yokohama city.
We will inform you that the water rate (Suido Ryokin) changes, information on the web page for foreigners (Gaikokujinmu), and contact destination (Saki) I'm letting you know.
Flyers will be distributed at the Yokohama International Association (YOKE) and at 10 international exchange lounges in Yokohama City (Yokohamanai). ). (From March 2021 to July 2021)

Public Relations Yokohama (issued in February 2021)

Public Relations Yokohama (issued in February 2021)

We published about "water rate revision of July, 2021" in public information Yokohama Reiwa 3 (2021) issue.

For Yokohama water supply in the future

Video cover

This video provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the “problems surrounding the water supply business” and “direction of water rate revision” regarding the revision of water rates being considered by City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau.

Video (outside site)
※The video will be moved to the page of YouTube Yokohama City Official Channel "CityOfYokohama".

Current status and future direction of water supply business in Yokohama City

Leaflet cover

City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau is currently considering revising water rates. It was created to tell everyone about the current situation and future direction of the water supply business in Yokohama City, which is the premise.

※Leaflets will be distributed to all units at the time of water meter reading from October to November 2020.

Public information Yokohama Water Works Bureau special issue

The future of our water supply

Future cover of our water supply

This story is based on family life and explains how water bills are used and how Water Works Bureau operates in an easy-to-understand manner.

※The video version will be moved to the page of YouTube Yokohama City Official Channel "CityOfYokohama".

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Inquiries to this page

Corporate Planning Division, Water Works Bureau Management Department

Telephone: 045-671-3127

Telephone: 045-671-3127

Fax: 045-212-1157

Email address:

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Page ID: 175-769-920


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