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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Last Updated April 1, 2022


1.Why do you revise water rates?

Water supply facilities that were maintained during the period of high economic growth, such as water purification plants and water pipes, are aging and need to be renewed. In addition, in order to build a water supply that is resistant to earthquakes, it is necessary to promote earthquake resistance.
On the other hand, water tariff revenues are on a declining trend, and in light of a declining population society, a more severe financial situation is expected.
We recognize that the lives of citizens and the city economy are in a very difficult situation due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, but we will continue to pay the price so that tap water can be stably delivered to citizens in the future. I decided to revise it.

2.When will the water rate be revised?

Increase the average by 12% from July 1, 2021.
In addition, if you use it before June 30, customers with odd-numbered meter reading will be charged in September, and customers with even-numbered meter reading will be charged at a new rate from October meter reading.
In addition, customers who start using the service after July 1 will be charged at a new fee from the first meter reading.

Date of application of rate revision

3.What is the content of the water rate revision?

Water rates will be increased by 12% on average from July 1, 2021.
At present, the basic fee is 790 yen / month (excluding tax) regardless of the meter diameter, but we will shift to the "calimeter-specific fee structure" that sets the basic fee according to the meter diameter. At the same time, pay-as-you-go rates are set for each caliber.
In addition, at present, the basic fee includes a basic water volume of 8m3 per month, and the fee is uniform regardless of the amount of water used within 8m3, but this basic water volume will be abolished.

1-month price list

4.How much will the price increase be?

The average amount of water used per month, from 13mm to 25mm aperture, which accounts for about 99% of customers.
It will be raised from 111 yen to 235 yen (excluding tax).

  • Average amount of water used with a diameter of 13 mm 11 m3 When used: Increase of 111 yen
  • Average amount of water used with a diameter of 20mm 15m3 When used: Increase of 192 yen
  • Average amount of water used with a diameter of 25mm 17m3 When used: Increase of 235 yen

Water charges are billed on a monthly basis in principle, so if you look at them in two months, they will be doubled each. You can check the amount of the new fee by applying the meter diameter and the amount of water used by using the “Fare chart” and “Computation Tool (external site)” posted on the Water Works Bureau website.

Revised amount in average water consumption (1 month, excluding tax)

Caliber of

Amount of water used

Current rateNew ratesRevised amountRevision rate

The contract
Composition Ratio

13mm11㎥1,034 yen1,145 yen+111 yen10.7%11.9%
20mm15㎥1,666 yen1,858 yen+192 yen11.5%82.0%
25mm17㎥1,982 yen2,217 yen+ 235 yen11.9%5.5%

※Approximately 99% of customers are 13mm to 25mm aperture.

5.How can I check the caliber of my house?

As the caliber is displayed in the "Notice of water supply and sewerage water consumption (meter reading slip)" posted at the time of water meter reading, you can check it.

Meter reading slip (method of checking caliber)

6.How do I check how much my house will cost and how do I check?

First of all, please refer to the “Notice of Water Supply and Sewerage Usage (Meter Reading Card)” posted at the time of meter reading, and check the meter diameter and the amount of water used.
On top of that, you have you use "preview table of charges" or "calculation tool (outside site)" posted on Motoichi website and apply the meter diameter of customer and the amount of water used, and new charges You can check.
In addition, leaflets will be distributed to all households at the time of meter reading from March to April, but you can also check the "Fare quick reference table" here.

Meter reading slip

How to read "Notice of Water and Sewerage Usage Fees (Meter Reading Voucher)"

(a) Meter caliber

(b) Amount of water used this time

(c) Water rates (revised on July 1, 2021)

(d) Sewerage fee (There is no revision)

※(a) And (a) to (c) calculate the water rate.

7.Why do you shift to a caliber-based fee structure?

In order to ensure that citizens can always use safe and high quality tap water, Water Works Bureau maintains and maintains facilities of scale according to the amount of water needed.
In addition, if there is a possibility that a large amount of water will be used at a time, the meter diameter is set according to the amount of water used by customers, such as installing a large diameter meter.
For these reasons, in order to pay the expenses required for the maintenance and maintenance of the facility according to the amount of water available for each caliber, the basic fee of 790 yen / month (excluding tax) to the basic fee according to the diameter of the meter It will be shifted to the "calimeter-specific fee system" with the fee.

8.How is the size of the meter diameter determined?

Based on the declaration from the customer who is the applicant for water supply equipment construction, Water Works Bureau has determined the meter selection table based on the maximum amount of water used per day, the maximum amount of water used per hour, and the number of faucets used simultaneously (number of faucets).

<Reference 1> Meter Selection Table

Maximum amount of water used per day

Maximum regulated flow rate

Instantaneous flow rate

13mm6.0 or less1.0 or less19.1
20mm6.0 or less 12.01.0 Over 1.5 or less47.1
25mm12.0 or less 15.01.5 to 2.0 or less73.6
40mm15.0 or less 48.02.0 or less 8.0188.4
50mm48.0 or less 120.08.0 or less 25.0294.3
75mm120.0 or less 240.025.0 or less 40.0666
100mm240.0 or less 360.0 or less40.0 or less 60.0800
150mm360.0 or less 720.060.0 or less and 120.0 or less1,800
200mm720.0 or less 1,500.0 or less120.0 or less 250.03,000
<Reference 2> Meter caliber and standard number of hydrants installed
Meter caliberNumber of faucets
13mm1 to 4 pieces
20mm5 to 13 pieces
25mm14 or more
Types of faucets installed in general detached houses
  • Kitchen
  • Washroom
  • Bath
  • Toilet
  • Laundry faucet
  • Water heaters

※In general, the meter is 20mm in diameter because it is installed with 6 plugs.

As a basis for determining meter diameter, Article 22, Paragraph 3 of the Yokohama City Water Supply Ordinance stipulates that "the diameter and position of the meter to be installed are determined by Water Works Bureau." In addition, Article 15-2 of the Yokohama City Water Supply Ordinance Enforcement Regulations states that "The diameter of the meter prescribed in Article 22, Paragraph 3 of the Ordinance is determined by the standards separately determined by the Water Works Bureau based on the amount of water used, etc." We have established water supply equipment construction design and construction guidelines, which are technical standards.

9.Is it possible to reduce the caliber?

The diameter of the meter is determined based on the assumption that the amount of water used is the largest at the time of construction of the building, so even if the actual amount of water used is small, the diameter cannot be reduced immediately. For customers who wish to reduce the diameter of the meter diameter, it is necessary to investigate the actual conditions of water use individually, so please consult with each water office in Water Works Bureau.
Please note that if the caliber is reduced, the construction cost will be borne by the customer.

10.What if it becomes difficult to pay water charges due to the effects of COVID-19 infection?

For those who have difficulty paying the fee, we will ask you about the circumstances and consult about the postponement of payment, such as payment by split or extension of payment deadline, etc. We will respond flexibly according to the situation.
Please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center (045-847-6262) for postponement of payment.

11.What will happen to the welfare reduction system?

Regarding the welfare reduction and exemption system, we will continue the system to reduce the basic fee as before even after the fee revision. (For those who are eligible for reduction of exemption with a diameter of 40 mm or more, the basic fee of 25 mm will be reduced.)
However, with the abolition of the basic water volume (8m3 / month), the pay-as-you-go fee of 1 to 8m3 per month is not eligible for reduction.

Current reduction and exemption system
Individual welfare reduction and exemption system

Reduction of basic fees for households with eligible persons listed on the right

  • Physically disabled (Grade 1 or 2)
  • Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (Intelligence Index 35 or less)
  • Mentally Handicapped (Grade 1)
  • Mentally Handicapped (Grade 1)
  • Duplicate disabled persons (persons who fall under 3rd grade, intelligence index 75 or less, mental disorder 2nd grade)
  • Single-parent homes, etc. (medical expenses subsidized households)
  • Care required 4 or 5
  • Households receiving special Child Raising Allowance
  • Single-parent families receiving welfare (such as mother-child families receiving welfare)
Flood-affected householdsReduction of basic feesIn the event of damage to the flood above floor level or other equivalent damage caused by a typhoon, etc., and was issued by the certificate of damage / disaster Book.

12.Will the sewerage fee be revised?

The rate revision to be implemented from July 2021 is only for water rates, and the sewerage usage fee is not subject to this revision.

Inquiries to this page

Corporate Planning Division, Water Works Bureau Management Department

Telephone: 045-671-3127

Phone: 045-671-3127

Fax: 045-212-1157

Email address:

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Page ID: 309-848-889


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