

Last Updated February 22, 2019

Here's the text.

The future of our water supply

Our Future of Water Supply is a booklet and video that provides an easy-to-understand introduction of how water charges are used and the business situation of Water Works Bureau from the customer's point of view.
It was produced in cooperation with Iwasaki Gakuen Yokohama Digital Arts College.

Booklet download

Cover design

Image of the cover of the future of our water supply


This story is based on family life and explains how water bills are used and how Water Works Bureau operates in an easy-to-understand manner.

Video streaming (move to the page of YouTube Yokohama City Official Channel "CityOfYokohama".)


Image of "The Future of Our Water Supply"


We explain the importance of water supply by comparing the world with the world without water supply.

Compare PET bottle water with tap water to explain the cheapness of tap water.

We explain what kind of business water charges are used for based on water charges paid at home. .

We explain extension of water pipe, change policy of water pipe.

We will explain the situation where water rate revenue is decreasing due to the spread of water-saving equipment such as toilets.

For inquiries regarding water supply, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center.

Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center

Telephone: 045-847-6262 Fax: 045-848-4281
※Please be careful not to make a mistake.

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Inquiries to this page

Public Relations Division, Water Works Bureau Business Promotion Department

Telephone: 045-671-3084

Telephone: 045-671-3084

Fax: 045-212-1169

Email address:

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Page ID: 542-849-811


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