

Here's the text.

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Here, you can download data such as various application forms and entry examples.

Last Updated June 17, 2024

●Registered organization

●Collection company

Operation Manual (PDF: 3,322KB)
Head paper for weighing certification (Excel: 12KB)
・Measurement certification breakdown table
 ・For input of all items (Excel: 12KB) For handwriting (PDF: 74KB)
 ・For input cans (loading) input (Excel: 10KB) For handwriting (PDF: 49KB)

●Documents to be submitted at "when registering"

●Documents to be submitted when "changed" to be submitted

●Documents to be submitted when the registered organization is canceled or abolished, and the registration is "registered"

●Documents to be submitted at "when registering"

●Documents to be submitted when the registered contents (representative, person in charge, transfer account, etc.) to be submitted when changing

●Documents to be submitted when the registration is deleted.

●Documents related to vehicles

No. 38 (issued in November 2023) (PDF: 966KB)
No. 37 (Issued August 2023) (PDF: 903KB)
No. 36 (Issued May 2023) (PDF: 941KB)
No. 35 (Issued February 2023) (PDF: 934KB)
No. 34 (Issued November 2022) (PDF: 765KB)
No. 33 (issued in August 2022) (PDF: 761KB)
No. 32 (Issued in May 2022) (PDF: 815KB)
No. 31 (Issued February 2022) (PDF: 1,105KB)
No. 30 (Issued November 2021) (PDF: 1,130KB)
No. 29 (Issued in August 2021) (PDF: 767KB)
No. 28 (Issued in May 2021) (PDF: 813KB)
No. 27 (Issued February 2021) (PDF: 670KB)
No. 26 (Issued November 2020) (PDF: 415KB)
No. 25 (issued in August 2020) (PDF: 560KB)
No. 24 (Issued May 2020) (PDF: 588KB)
No. 23 (Issued February 2020) (PDF: 495KB)
No. 22 (Issued November 2019) (PDF: 312KB)
No. 21 (issued in August 2019) (PDF: 280KB)
No. 20 (issued in May 2019) (PDF: 433KB)
No. 19 (Issued in February 2019) (PDF: 236KB)
No. 18 (Issued November 2018) (PDF: 332KB)
No. 17 (issued in August 2018) (PDF: 432KB)
No. 16 (issued in May 2018) (PDF: 505KB)
No. 15 (Issued February 2018) (PDF: 605KB)
No. 14 (Issued November 2017) (PDF: 370KB)
No. 13 (issued in August 2017) (PDF: 451KB)
No. 12 (Issued in May 2017) (PDF: 633KB)
No. 11 (Issued February 2017) (PDF: 476KB)
No. 10 (Issued November 2016) (PDF: 460KB)
No. 9 (issued in August 2016) (PDF: 484KB)
No. 8 (issued on May 20, 2016) (PDF: 500KB)
No. 7 (issued on February 29, 2016) (PDF: 273KB)
No. 6 (issued on November 27, 2015) (PDF: 666KB)
No. 5 (issued on August 28, 2015) (PDF: 817KB)
No. 4 (issued on May 20, 2015) (PDF: 896KB)
No. 3 (issued on February 27, 2015) (PDF: 849KB)
No. 2 (issued on November 28, 2014) (PDF: 438KB)
First issue (issued on August 29, 2014) (PDF: 391KB)

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For inquiries to this page

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Waste Management Department Business Division

Phone: 045-671-3819

Phone: 045-671-3819

Fax: 045-662-1225

Email address:

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Page ID: 582-334-025


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