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Examination of incentive application and collection quantity check

Last Updated December 21, 2023

Examination of incentive application and collection quantity check

Examination of scholarship application, Io

The local recyclables collection incentive is paid according to the amount collected. Yokohama City is working to examine the incentive application documents and confirm the amount collected for the appropriate incentive grant grant.

Basis for recovered amount
The amount of collection subject to the incentive is determined based on the measurement certification.
Judge whether the amount collected on the collection slip matches the weight of the weighing certificate.


What is Measurement Certification?
Documents issued by wholesalers when you bring in recyclables and weigh them. The weight is indicated for each item.

Measurement certificate

Conditions for weighing certification
・recycle paper
Those issued by the wholesaler designated by Motoichi (handwritten items are not allowed in principle)

Handwriting is prohibited

・Cloths, metals, bottles
Those issued by printing when weighing (handwritten items are not allowed in principle)
If the delivery destination cannot issue a printed weighing certificate, the measurement certificate will be made with seal, the representative of the seller on the sales payment slip.

Company name representative seal

Flow of incentive screening

1.Registered organizations and registered traders submit an incentive application


2.Check the measurement certificate with the amount collected on the registered company's collection slip (pink) and correct the collected amount if necessary.


3.Correct the collection slip of the registered organization with the collection slip of the registered trader, and if there is a difference, correction based on the measurement certificate.


※Examples of correcting collection volume
・The quantity of the weighing certification differs from the quantity of the collection slip.
・No measurement certificate is attached
・Either the registered organization nor the registered company has submitted a collection slip.

Efforts to check the amount collected

Implementation of collection

State of collection work

Understand the implementation status
Registered organizations submit the collection date and collection area of local recyclables collection.
Fact-finding survey
Yokohama City checks the actual situation of collections on site as necessary.
Witness of collection
In principle, the registered organization will be present at the collection.

To the wholesaler

Measurement at designated wholesalers

Measurement at designated wholesalers

Introduction of a designated wholesaler system (from January 2007)
Yokohama City has concluded agreements with recycle paper wholesalers for the purpose of proper recycling and measurement.
・Wholesalers carrying and weighing recycle paper are specified (→ List of designated wholesalers)
・recycle paper items brought in to non-designated wholesalers and recycle paper products weighed outside of designated wholesalers are not eligible for incentives.
・For recycle paper products, measurement certificates issued by non-designated wholesalers are invalidated and are not eligible for incentives.


Application for incentive money


A scholarship is issued by checking the wholesaler's weighing certificate with the collection slip.

For inquiries to this page

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Waste Management Department Business Division

Phone: 045-671-3819

Phone: 045-671-3819

Fax: 045-662-1225

Email address:

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