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Business enforcer

Last Updated March 30, 2021

Those who can implement the urban redevelopment project (enforcers) are stipulated in the Urban Redevelopment Law.

Business distinction and enforcer
Business distinctionPerson who can become enforcer
Type 1 Urban Redevelopment ProjectLocal governments, Urban Renaissance Agency, Local Housing Supply Corporation, Urban Redevelopment Association (*), redevelopment companies (*), individuals
Type 2 Urban Redevelopment ProjectLocal governments, Urban Renaissance Agency, Local Housing Supply Corporation, Redevelopment Company (*)

※About Urban Redevelopment Association and Redevelopment Companies
Urban Redevelopment Association

Five or more landowners and leasehold owners in the enforcement area (for the purpose of building ownership) will jointly become founders, establish the articles of incorporation and business plan of the union, and consent of landowners and tenants in the district. After obtaining more than two-thirds of the consent, it is organized with the approval of the government. The Urban Redevelopment Association is considered a corporation and will be dissolved after the project is completed.
Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the project, all landowners and tenants in the enforcement area will be members.

Redevelopment Company

A person who has more than two-thirds of the land and leasehold rights (for the purpose of owning a building) in the enforcement area (one or more persons are acceptable) has a majority of the voting rights of all shareholders, and implements the urban redevelopment project. It is a private corporation whose main purpose is to do.
After obtaining more than two-thirds of the consent of the landowners and tenants in the district, the project can be implemented with the approval of the government.

Inquiries to this page

Urban Development Coordination Division, Urban Development Bureau Urban Development Department

Telephone: 045-671-2695

Telephone: 045-671-2695

Fax: 045-664-7694

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Page ID: 782-729-645


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