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Tamaplaza Station Area Community Development Consultation Guidelines

Last update date December 12, 2023

1 Purpose

On November 5, 2002, the "Tamaplaza Station Area District Plan" was decided on a city plan to promote community development in which the community and the government cooperated as a district suitable for a regional base in the northwestern part of Yokohama City. .
In addition, as a rule of town planning that complements the city planning, a local town planning council composed of landowners has formulated the "Tamaplaza Station Area District Town Planning Agreement".
This guideline cooperates with the operation of the town planning agreement by the local town planning council, and conducts town planning discussions on individual building activities.

2 Consultation Area

Each part of Mishigaoka 1-chome, Shinishikawa 2-chome and 3-chome, Aoba-ku
Area approximately 12.4ha (similar to the district planning area and the city planning agreement area)
Consultation area (as shown in the attached figure)

Image of the consultation area
Consultation area

Situation of 3 Districts

(1)"Tamaplaza Station Area District Plan" November 5, 2002 City Planning Decision
(2)"Tamaplaza Station Area Community Development Agreement" was formulated by the "Tamaplaza Station Area Community Development Council" (November 26, 2002).

4 Target buildings

All buildings and structures

5. Contents of discussion

In accordance with the "Tamaplaza Station Area Community Development Agreement" and "Same Details", the following items will be discussed.

(1)Community of buildings and sites
(2)Retreatment of walls, walls, etc. of buildings and maintenance of sidewalks
(3)Building applications
(4)Installation of parking lots and bicycle parking lots
(6)Promotion of greening
(7)Installation of advertising materials
(8)In addition, based on Article 6, Paragraph 1 of the "Tamaplaza Station Area Community Development Agreement", items to report on construction of buildings, etc.

6 Division in charge

City of Yokohama, Urban Development Bureau Regional Development Division (in Aoba Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division)
Responsible: Regional town development section manager
Address: 31-4, Ichigaocho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi
Telephone: 045-978-2217

Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward Counseling Center (Ward Administration Promotion Division, Aoba Ward)

Telephone: 045-978-2217

Phone: 045-978-2217

Fax: 045-978-2410

Email address:

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Page ID: 127-641-203


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