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Children's Book October 2020

Last Updated January 18, 2024

Children's Book October 2020


"Udon!" Cover image

Cover image of "Nenkororin"

Cover image of "Umi no Dangomushi Yamano Dangomushi"

Japanese syllabary Cover image

Capital expenditures

Kazumi Kato/Saku
Gospelkan Bookstore


John Burningham/Saku
Shuntaro Tanikawa / Yaku
Holpu Publishing

Umi's Dangomushi and Yamano's Dangomushi
Yosei Minagoshi/Photos and Letters
Iwasaki Shoten

Japanese syllabary

Hakushu Kitahara / Poetry
Jun Takabatake / Picture
Hikarimura Educational Book

*If you click on the cover of the book, you will find more details.

*The cover image you are using is licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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<Ehon> From infants

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

"Udon!" Cover image

Kazumi Kato/Saku
Gospelkan Bookstore
Published in June 2020
Number of pages: 23p
Main unit price: 900 yen
Do you say you can make udon at home? I'll mix a fluffy konashio until I'm into a dumpling. Let's go home and make it look delicious. I'm going to be happy. I'm going to squash. You can also make an interesting form of udon.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Ehon> From baby/infant

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Nenkororin"

John Burningham/Saku
Shuntaro Tanikawa / Yaku
Holpu Publishing
Published in June 2020
Number of pages: 〔32p〕
Main unit price: 1,400 yen
"Whether it's a cat's mother's cat's cat's cat's snatching a fish's cat's chin," she is on a boat, with a fish's sea. The cat's mother found a safe cat. I'm coming soon, everyone is good night in Asama.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Chishiki>From the lower grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Umi no Dangomushi Yamano Dangomushi"

Umi's Dangomushi and Yamano's Dangomushi
Yosei Minagoshi/Photos and Letters
Iwasaki Shoten
Published in June 2020
Number of pages: 33p
Main unit price: 1,600 yen
There is also a dango beetle in the sea. Hamadango beetles are "Sojiya" in the sea where they rest in the sand and under stones and eat seaweed. Koshibirodango beetle in the mountains and Okadango beetle in the town. There are various types of dango beetles of various colors. Let's look for you at school or around the house.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Chishiki> From the lower grades of elementary school
Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Japanese syllabary Cover image

Japanese syllabary
Hakushu Kitahara / Poetry
Jun Takabatake / Picture
Hikarimura Educational Book
Published in June 2020
Number of pages: 〔24p〕
Main unit price: 1200 yen
It's an old poem (Shi), but it's not difficult because there are lots of fun, it's not difficult. It's interesting. It's a poem that makes you want to read.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

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Page ID: 254-541-376


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