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Children's Book July 2020

Last Updated January 18, 2024

Children's Book July 2020


Cover image of "Akun and Deco Yashiki"

"Come on, Alaska!" Cover image

Capital expenditures

A-kun and a deco.
Yoko Yaoita / sentence
Mako Taruishi / Picture
Gospelkan Bookstore

<Story and Literature>
Come on, Alaska!
Laura Amy Schritz/Saku
Brian Floca / Eh
Reina Nakano / Yaku

*If you click on the cover of the book, you will find more details.

*The cover image you are using is licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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<Ehon> From infants

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Akun and Deco Yashiki"

A-kun and a deco.
Yoko Yaoita / sentence
Mako Taruishi / Picture
Gospelkan Bookstore
Issued in March 2020
Number of pages: 39p
Main unit price: 1500 yen
Aka-chan is born in Atsuo, and her mother is a big sway. Atsuogabento was sent to Tou, who is making garlic with deco and shiki. Atsuo, who is no longer playing, is boring and mischiefs on Sakura and cats.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Story and Literature>From the upper grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

"Come on, Alaska!" Cover image

Come on, Alaska!
Anna Waltz / work
Etsuko Nozaka / Translation
Issued in March 2020
Number of pages: 259p
Main unit price: 1,400 yen
Alaska, who was my dog, was a service dog for a transfer student, Sfen. To take my favorite Alaska home, I (I) jump over to Sphen's house. Perkel with strong anxiety and sphen with chronic epilepsy disease. The two talk about the events of the new semester alternately.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

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Page ID: 570-784-887


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