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Children's Book February 2020

Last Updated January 15, 2024

Children's Book February 2020

Cover image

Cover image of "Fox's Niwa"

Cover image of "Yumemiru Animals"

Cover image of "The Mystery of Detective Charle Castle Ruins"

Data Information

Mr. Fox's snake
Brian Lee's/Saku
Aiko Sena/Yakui
Jyoron Company

Yumemiru Animals
Isabel Simrail / sentence / picture
Chihiro Ishizu / Translation
Iwanami Shoten

Mystery of the Detective Charle Castle Ruins
Astrid Lindgraine / work
Akirako Hishiki / Translation
Tomoko Hirasawa / Picture
Iwanami Shoten

*If you click on the cover of the book, you will find more details.

*The cover image you are using is licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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<Ehon> From the lower grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Fox's Niwa"

Mr. Fox's snake
Brian Lee's/Saku
Aiko Sena/Yakui
Jyoron Company
Published in October 2019
Number of pages: 40p
Main unit price: 1,400 yen
Mr. Fox and the dog are always together. He, Mr. Fox, was alone. It was splendid to messed the chicken they had made. A vine rose over Taniwa, and a big pumpkin was seen. It's almost gone.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Ehon> From the lower grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Yumemiru Animals"

Yumemiru Animals
Isabel Simrail / sentence / picture
Chihiro Ishizu / Translation
Iwanami Shoten
Published in September 2019
Number of pages: 〔76p〕
Main unit price: 2,400 yen
The animals are also dreaming. The koala of Mangetsu is on a tree, and the stomach of Manpuku is wrapped in eucalyptus and looks at the dream. The Horse is surrounded by a friend and looks at the dream. What kind of dream do the animals that are slendered?

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Story>From the upper grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "The Mystery of Detective Charle Castle Ruins"

The mystery of the Detective (Meitante) Kare Castle Ruins (Shiroato)
Astrid Lindgraine / work
Akirako Hishiki / Translation
Tomoko Hirasawa / Picture
Iwanami Shoten
September, 2019
Number of pages issued: 246p
Main unit price: 2,000 yen
Charle, who longs for detective Holmes, is always looking for the case (Saga). Uncle Anar, who came to her best friend Eve Rotta's house during summer vacation, is suspicious. Have a tool to open the key, or pull it out of the window at night. Detective Charle has begun investigating!

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

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