

Last Updated January 21, 2025

Here's the text.

Procedures for motorized bicycles, etc.

Procedures are required when purchasing or scrapping motorbikes or changing the registered contents of the owner, Address, name, etc. Please note that required documents may vary depending on the procedure. Regardless of whether or not you drive on public roads, if you own a motorbike or a small special car, you need to register the vehicle.
In addition, by the enforcement of the revised Road Traffic Law, electric kickboards that meet certain standards from July 1, 2023 will be classified as "Specific Small Motorized Bicycles". The registration procedure is the same as a general motorbike.

Vehicles that can be registered and scrapped at the ward office

Vehicles that can be registered, scrapped, renamed, etc. at the ward office are motorized bicycles and small special vehicles. Please note that procedures cannot be performed at the Administrative Service Corner.

Vehicles that can be processed at the ward office

Small special vehicles such as motorized bicycles that can be filed at the ward office are as follows.

  • Motorized bicycles, etc.
    • Motorized bicycles with a displacement of 125cc or less
    • Specific small motorized bicycles(Electric kickboards, etc. that meet certain criteria)
    • Motorized bicycles (minicars) with a displacement of more than 20cc, less than 50cc and two or more wheels with a displacement of more than 20cc and less.
  • Small special vehicles
    • Small special vehicles (forklifts, etc.) with a maximum speed of 15 km/h or less
    • Small agricultural special vehicles (tractors, etc.) with a maximum speed of 35 km/h or less

Procedures for vehicles other than motorized bicycles and small special vehicles

Motorcycles with a displacement of more than 125cc (two-wheeled light motor vehicles and two-wheeled small cars) will be handled by the Kanagawa Transportation Bureau, and light motor vehicles with three or more wheels will be handled by the light motor vehicles Inspection Association Kanagawa Office. Please contact each institution for documents and procedures required for the procedure.

Kanto Transportation Bureau Kanagawa Transportation Bureau (outside site)
〒224-0053 3540, Ikonobecho, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi
Telephone: 050-5540-2035
light motor vehicles Inspection Association Kanagawa Office (outside site)
〒224-0054 770-1, Saedocho, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi
Telephone: 050-3816-3118

Procedures when there is no resident registration

About confirmation of residence and resident registration place

If there is no resident registration in Address where you are going to register a moped motorcycle, etc., we will confirm whether you live or not and where you are registered. Please note that at the time of the procedure, you will need to present or submit a copy of your resident registration documents, such as a bill or receipt for utility charges in your name with the new Address, a rental contract, or a certificate of residence issued by the company, such as a driver's license or a copy of the resident certificate.

In case immediately after the change of resident registration

Please note that if you change your name, such as Address, you may be asked to confirm a copy of the resident certificate and other documents that show the new Address during the period of the third open agency, including the date of the change.

When purchasing a motorbike, etc. (new registration)

Documents required for new registration

  • Sales certificate (If there is a description in the sales certificate column of the signing application form, there is no need to prepare it separately)
  • If the submitter is an individual, identification documents (in principle, documents with a photo of the person issued by the following public office attached. If you do not have these documents, you may be asked to confirm multiple identity verification documents such as employee health insurance's qualification confirmation or health insurance card, basic pension number notification or pension notebook.)
    • My Number Card (Personal Number Card)
    • Driver's license
    • Passport (passport) or Basic Resident Register card with photo
    • Resident Card or Special Permanent Resident Certificate (alien registration certificate)
  • If the notifier is a corporation (motorcycle dealer, etc.), an employee ID card, etc.
  • Other necessary documents
    • If there is a change due to remodeling, it is necessary to submit a petition for remodeling (making) and a document confirming the details of the remodeling at the time of filing. You have you submit remodeling (made) petition at ward office window or print from the following link, and please prepare.
    • When registering a minicar, documents (photos, etc.) that indicate that it is a minicar
      ※In order to register with a minicar, it is necessary to have a cabin with no side open or a wheelbase (distance between the center of the left and right tires) exceeding 50 cm. Please prepare documents that show that you are a minicar, such as "Photo of the wheelbase with a measure".
    • Specific small motorized bicyclesIn order to register, it is necessary to meet the requirements of "length", "width" and "maximum speed" in addition to the conventional motorized bicycle requirements. Please prepare documents (product catalogs, etc.) that show that the requirements of the target vehicle are satisfied. However, from the sales certificateSpecific small motorized bicyclesIt is not necessary if it can be used.

Download the sign grant application form

When a motorbike is transferred (name change)

Documents required for name change

  • Certificate of Transfer
  • Scrap car certificate ※If the vehicle has been scrapped
  • License plate (unnecessary for the number of the ward where you live) and signing certificate ※In case of undisused car
  • If the submitter is an individual, identification documents (driver's license, etc.)
  • If the submitter is a corporation, an employee ID card, etc.

Download the sign grant application form

Change of Address or name due to relocation, marriage, etc. (change of Address or name)

Documents required to change Address and name

  • Scrap car certificate ※If the vehicle has been scrapped
  • License plate (unnecessary for the number of the ward where you live) and signing certificate ※In case of undisused car
  • If the submitter is an individual, identification documents (driver's license, etc.)
  • If the submitter is a corporation, an employee ID card, etc.

Download the sign grant application form

When scrapping motorbikes, etc.

In the case of scrapped vehicles, you can also apply by mail in addition to the ward office window. Vehicles with other municipal numbers are not allowed to be scrapped.

Documents necessary for scrapping

  • License plate
  • Signing certificate (unnecessary if lost)
  • A reply envelope with a stamp and address filled in (when applying by mail)
  • If the submitter is an individual, identification documents (driver's license, etc.)
  • If the submitter is a corporation, an employee ID card, etc.

Download the scrap car declaration form

When transferring motorbikes, etc.

In case of transfer after scrapping a car

Please perform the scrapping procedure at the ward office and hand the "Junk Car Declaration Reception Form (Junk Car Certificate)" and "Transfer Certificate" to the new owner.

When transferring the license plate with the license plate attached without scrapping it

No procedures are required at the ward office. Please hand the "signing certificate" and "transfer certificate" to the new owner.
In addition, in some municipalities, the name change registration of undisused vehicles cannot be performed. In that case, please dispose of the car at the ward office before transferring it. Please confirm with the new owner in advance.

If you transfer with the license plate attached without scrapping, the old owner will be subject to light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) (classification rate) due to the fact that the new owner does not perform the name change procedure or the procedure is delayed There is. If necessary, please take measures such as "Transfer after scrapping" and "Receive a copy of the new owner's signing certificate". light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) (by type) is taxed on the owner as of April 1, so be especially careful when transferring it at the end of March.

When moving out of the ward

When re-registering after scrapping a car

Please perform the scrapping procedure at the ward office and submit the “Junk Car Declaration Reception Form (Junk Car Certificate)” to the municipalities in the new Address area to complete the procedure.

When changing the Address with the license plate attached without scrapping

No procedures are required at the ward office. Please submit "signing certificate" and "license plate of ward" to municipalities in new Address area.
In some municipalities, it is not possible to register Address for undisused vehicles. In that case, please dispose of the car at the ward office and re-register. Please check with the municipalities in the new Address area in advance.

When the license plate is damaged, stolen, or lost (sign again)

Documents required for re-issuance of sign

  • Damaged license plate (if there are fragments)
  • Signing certificate (if you do not have a certificate, you know the number or chassis number (stone printing, etc.))
  • Re-issuance fee 100 yen (unnecessary in case of theft)
  • If the submitter is an individual, identification documents (driver's license, etc.)
  • If the submitter is a corporation, an employee ID card, etc.

In the case of theft, you will need the "Notification Date", "Notification Police Signature", and "Receipt Number" of the theft report to the police, so please write it down yourself at the time of notification.

When the signing certificate is lost

About reissue procedure of signing certificate

You can apply for re-grant at the ward office in the light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) (classification) report (report) form and sign grant application form.
After confirming the identity of the person coming to the counter, we will reissue the certificate.

Please bring your identity verification documents (driver's license, etc.).

Download the sign grant application form

Inquiries to each ward office

Tax Division light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei), each ward office
The ward office located in the stationary area
Ward office Address Phone number E-Mail address
Aoba Ward

〒225-0024 31-4, Ichigaocho, Aoba-ku


Asahi Ward 〒241-0022 1-4-12, Tsurugamine, Asahi-ku 045-954-6042
Izumi Ward 〒245-0024 5-1-1, Izumichuokita, Izumi-ku 045-800-2353

Isogo Ward 〒235-0016 3-5-1, Isogo, Isogo-ku 045-750-2354
Kanagawa Ward 〒221-0824 3-8, Hirodaiotamachi, Kanagawa-ku 045-411-7041
Kanazawa Ward 〒236-0021 2-9-1, Deiki, Kanazawa-ku 045-788-7746
Konan Ward 〒233-0003 4-2-10, Kounan, Kounan-ku 045-847-8355
Kohoku Ward 〒222-0032 26-1, Mamedocho, Kouhoku-ku 045-540-2271
Sakae Ward 〒247-0005 303-19, Katsuracho, Sakae-ku 045-894-8350
Seya Ward 〒246-0021 190, Futatsubashicho, Seya-ku 045-367-5653
Tsuzuki Ward   〒224-0032 32-1, Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki-ku 045-948-2263
Tsurumi Ward 〒230-0051 3-20-1, Tsurumichuo, Tsurumi-ku 045-510-1720
Totsuka Ward 〒244-0003 16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku 045-866-8358
Naka Ward 〒231-0021 35, Nihonodori, Naka-ku 045-224-8196
Nishi Ward 〒220-0051 1-5-10, Chuo, Nishi-ku 045-320-8347
Hodogaya Ward 〒240-0001 2-9, Kawabecho, Hodogaya-ku 045-334-6244
Midori Ward 〒226-0013 118, Terayamacho, Midori-ku 045-930-2264
Minami Ward 〒232-0024 2-33, Urafunecho, Minami-ku 045-341-1160

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Inquiries to this page

Tax Division, Chief Tax Department, Finance Bureau (I cannot answer consultations on individual taxation details and declarations.) Please contact the ward office Tax Division.

Telephone: 045-671-2253

Telephone: 045-671-2253

Fax: 045-641-2775

Email address:

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Page ID: 512-940-087


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