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I'm scared, cigarette smoke

Last Updated March 7, 2019

Cigarettes contain a variety of harmful substances. There are more than 200 types! Here, we will explain the harm of tobacco smoke.


Nicotine is a dependent substance found in tobacco. Over time, the reason why you want to smoke cigarettes is that this nicotine runs out. Nicotine is absorbed very well, so it reaches the whole body after a few seconds. Smoking a cigarette makes you feel calm and increase concentration because the nicotine runs out and frustrated.
Other effects of nicotine on the body include peripheral vascular contraction, increased blood pressure, and increased heart rate.

For more information, go to the "Before thinking about smoking cessation" page of "For those who want to quit smoking".



Tar is not a single substance, but a generic term for particle phase material (invisible fine particles) in tobacco smoke, and is a substance that dyes the filter brown. This smoke is said to contain a lot of carcinogenic substances. Although the amount of tar contained in one cigarette is small, it is accumulated by continuing smoking, and people who smoke 20 cigarettes a day put about one cup of tar in their bodies in one year. It is said.

Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a substance that causes the body to be deficiency. Hemoglobin originally has the role of transporting oxygen, but smoking causes chronic deficiency due to smoking. This promotes a decrease in motor skills and arteriosclerosis.


Hazardous substances contained in cigarettes that we usually smoke are also used in such things.

Toxic substances contained in tobacco
Content of tobaccoThose that are familiar with
AcetonePainting offPaint
AmmoniaDetergent for floor
ArsenicAli insecticide
PutanLighter's fuel
CadmiumCar battery
Carbon monoxideExhaust gas
NaphthalineInsect repellents
TolueneIndustrial solvents
Vinyl chloridePlastics

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