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Call 110 by text
Last Updated February 12, 2025
Call 110 by text
You can make a report using the smartphone application (110th application system) or a fax report (FAX110).
Prior registration is required to use the 110th app system.
Specifically, please confirm on homepage (outside site) of Kanagawa police.
Contact information
Kanagawa Police Headquarters Regional Communication Command Section
Telephone: 045-211-1212 (ext. 3631)
Inquiries to this page
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Welfare and Health Department Disability Measures Promotion Section (please consult the police for reports)
Telephone: 045-671-3603
Telephone: 045-671-3603
Fax: 045-671-3566
Email address:
Page ID: 475-231-439