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Spring Recipe 1:Izumi Ward Vegetables

Last Updated December 11, 2023

Budding of bamboo shoots
Example of cooking of bamboo shootsMaterials (for 4 people)
200g of boiled bamboo shoots
Squid 120g
Fifty tree buds
<Boiled soup>
Dashi soup 270ml
2 teaspoons of thin soy sauce
1 tablespoon of sake and sugar
100g of white miso
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of sake
Energy 131kcal Salt 2.3g
How to make it
1 Cut the bamboo shoots into bite-sized pieces and boil in broth.
2 Peel the squid, boil it and cut into appropriate sizes.
3 Take the shaft of the tree buds and crush them in a mortar, add A, mix the bamboo shoots and squid, and decorate the tree buds.
New onion falsey
Example of cooking of new onion falsyMaterials (for 4 people)
New onion 400g (2 pieces)
Potato 90g
20g of carrot
Paprika 60g
Celery 20g
Asparagus 60g
50g of meat
1 tablespoon flour
4 tablespoons of olive oil
A little salt and pepper
Energy 211kcal Salt 1.3g
How to make it
1 Peel the onions, cut 2 cm from the top and 1 cm below, hollow the inside with a spoon and shake salt the whole.
2 Finely chop the onions, carrots and celery, cut potatoes into 5 to 7 mm slices, paprika vertically into 4 equal parts, and cut asparagus into half lengths.
3 Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan, fry the minced meat. When the color changes and it becomes flavour, add minced onions, mix lightly, sprinkle flour and fry, season with salt and pepper.
4 Pack 3 in 1 and arrange it on an iron plate with potatoes, and pour salt, pepper and 1 tablespoon olive oil.
5 Bake in a 220-degree oven for 25 minutes, take it out, put paprika and asparagus on an iron plate, turn salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and bake in the oven again for 5 minutes.
Instant pickles style of vegetables
Examples of cooking instant pickles style of vegetablesMaterials (for 4 people)
<500g of vegetables>
2 turnips
1 cucumber
1/3 bottle of carrot
Celery half celery
Half onion
<A Seasonings>
1 tablespoon of vinegar and sugar
2 tablespoons of salad oil
A little pepper
1 or 2 rollers
1 tablespoon salt
Energy 86kcal Salt 2.2g
How to make it
1 Turnips into 5 mm combs, cucumbers are cut into pieces, carrots, celery and onions are cut into 5 mm claps, and leave them with 1 tablespoon of salt for 20 to 30 minutes.
2. When it becomes soft, throw half the water, add A and roller, and add about 2 hours.
Lyon-style tomato
Example of Lyon-style tomato cookingMaterials (for 4 people)
3 tomatoes
2/3 tbsp salt
One small onion
A little pepper
3 raw shiitake mushrooms
A little parsley
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons of salad oil
Energy 136kcal, 1.1g of salt
How to make it
1 Leave the skin into comb shapes.
2 Sliced onions, cut the raw shiitake mushrooms, and parsley is torn.
3 Heat butter and salad oil in a frying pan, fry the onions well, add raw shiitake mushrooms and tomatoes, fry, add parsley and mix, and season with salt and pepper.

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Taste recipe

Prepared by the Izumi Ward Health Mate (Izumi Ward Health Mate)
Published from "Taste Recipes"-Cooking Collection using vegetables from Izumi Ward.

Health and Welfare Division Published in November 2009

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