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Winter Recipe 1 Recipe using Izumi Ward Vegetables

Last Updated December 11, 2023

Radish rice cake
Cooking example of radish rice cakeMaterials (for 4 people)
1 tablespoon of dried shrimp
40g of bacon
1/2 radish
100g of fresh flour
100g of shiratama flour
1 tablespoon of sake
A little salt
A little salad oil
Soy sauce as appropriate
As needed
Energy 210kcal Salt 0.3g
How to make it
1 Return the dried shrimp with sake and chopped finely.
2 Shred the bacon and fry it crisply.
3 Cut the radish, boil it, and give it to a colander.
4 While the radish is hot, mix the dried shrimp, bacon, Kamishin flour, shiratama flour, and salt. When it becomes untouched, stretch it into a stick, wrap it and steam for 15 minutes.
5 When cooled, cut into slices and bake in a frying pan with oil. Add mustard soy sauce if you like.
Taro sesame miso sauce
Example of cooking of taro sesame misoMaterials (for 4 people)
Taro 400g
<A> (Wed robe)
4 tablespoons of kneaded white sesame
1.5 tablespoon white miso
2 tablespoons of sugar
1.5 tablespoons of sake
2 teaspoons of white sesame
Energy 121kcal Salt 0.4g
How to make it
1 Wrap the taro in a wash wrap and heat in a range, and heat it for 8 to 9 minutes.
2 A to make a dressing robe.
3 Peel the taro, adjust the size, and heat in a cut range so that the heat passes evenly.
4. Put the taro in a bowl and sprinkle the sesame seeds.
Meat roll of vegetables
Example of cooking of vegetable meat rollMaterials (for 4 people)
4 large Chinese cabbage
200g of pork sliced meat
4 pieces of radish wig (9 x 16 cm)
2 dried shiitake mushrooms
<Boiled soup>
2 cups of water
Mirin 1/2 cup
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
3 tablespoons of sake
1/2 teaspoon salt
Energy 220kcal 2.1g salt content
How to make it
1 Peel off Chinese cabbage one by one and boil it in boiling water with a little salt.
2 Cut dried shiitake mushrooms, cut radish to about half the width of Chinese cabbage, shake a little salt and boil it a little and boil.
3 Remove the Chinese cabbage and cut it into two vertically, arrange the leaves close to the center and put pork.
4 Put shiitake mushrooms on radish, wrap it around the core, and tie 4 with Chinese cabbage and further tie it with 2 rolled octopus thread.
5 Place 5 in a pan and add the broth. After boiling, drop the lid and boil over low heat.
Broccoli salad
Example of cooking of broccoli saladMaterials (for 4 people)
6 fresh shiitake mushrooms
1 bag of enoki
1 broccoli
(Salt, salad oil, a little)
50g of cheese
<Combined Seasonings>
1.5 tablespoons of soy sauce and sake
1.5 tablespoons of mirin
1/3 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons of vinegar
Energy 72kcal 1.8g salt
How to make it
1 Shiitake mushrooms take the shaft, and cut only Enoki into 3 cm lengths.
2 Put 1 and seasonings in a pan, and take it into a bowl when boiling.
3 Boil the broccoli quickly in boiling water containing a little salt and oil.
4 Put the broccoli and diced cheese in a bowl and pour mushroom sauce.

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Taste recipe

Prepared by the Izumi Ward Health Mate (Izumi Ward Health Mate)
Published from "Taste Recipes"-Cooking Collection using vegetables from Izumi Ward.

Health and Welfare Division Published in November 2009

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