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  5. [Isogo Ward] Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Children and Families Support Division, Maternal and Child Health Service Staff) (registration system) [FY2024]

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[Isogo Ward] Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Children and Families Support Division, Maternal and Child Health Service Staff) (registration system) [FY2024]

For nurses who are involved in maternal and child health services, the desired working conditions will be selected from those who have registered in advance and the appointment (recruitment) will be determined. Appointments may be made in the middle of the year if necessary. If you wish to register, please check this guide and submit the registration form.

Last Updated April 10, 2024

<Downloading of recruitment information and other styles>

1.Flow of application and selection for registration

①Submission of registration documents

②Registration procedure

③Interview from the ward

④Submission of application documents

⑤Interview selection

⑥Announcement of Selection Results

⑦Appointment as Fiscal Year Appointment Staff

(1) required items fills out the “Registration Form for Isogo Ward Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Children and Families Support Division Maternal and Child Health Service Staff)” (PDF: 319KB).
   Please submit it by mail or bring it to the next application.
   [Application] 3-5-1 Isoko, Isogo-ku, Yokohama 235-0016
   Addressed to Isogo Ward Office Children and Families Support Division Maternal and Child Health Service Staff Recruitment Staff
   ※If you wish to bring it, please come to the 52nd window on the 5th floor of Isogo Ward Hall between 8:45 and 17:00 on weekdays.
   ※Registration is accepted throughout the year.
(2) Perform the registration procedure at the application site (the validity period of registration is until March 31, 2025).
(3) For registrants, those who have the desired working days and other conditions that match the conditions that require appointment, we will guide you individually to interview selection.
   ※During the validity period, selection will be made at any time as necessary.
(4) After submitting the “Application for Fiscal Year Appointment Staff”, we will conduct an interview selection.
   ※In the selection process, we will tell you the working conditions of the job that required appointment.
(5) We will inform you of the results of the selection.
(6) If you pass the screening as a result of your selection, you will be asked to consult physical checkup at the time of employment if necessary.
   We will carry out the appointment procedure as an appointment staff for the fiscal year.


Registration does not guarantee appointment.
If you register and do not meet the conditions, we will not contact you for an interview.

2.Job type, working conditions, etc.

(1) Job type

Maternal and Child Health Service Staff
※For details, see “List of Working Conditions (PDF: 95KB)”.

(2) Working conditions

See “List of Working Conditions (PDF: 95KB)”.
※Working conditions that are not listed in the attached sheet are based on related regulations such as the regulations on salary and cost compensation for staff appointed in Yokohama City fiscal year.

(3) Identity

General employees stipulated in Article 22-2 of the Local Public Service Act

(4) Appointment period

Appointments will be made as necessary during the period from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.
※In some cases, such as when work performance is good, we may reappoint (up to 4 times).

3.Application requirements

・Those who have any of the qualifications of nurses, public health nurses, or midwives
・Those who do not fall under the disqualification grounds for recruitment stipulated in Article 16, etc. of the Local Public Service Act (as follows)
 (1) Persons who are sentenced to imprisonment or higher and until their execution is completed or no longer received.
 (2) A person who has been dismissed as a Yokohama City employee and has not passed two years from the date of the disposition.
 (3) A person who is in the position of a member of the Human Resources Committee or Equity Committee and has been sentenced to imprisonment for committing a crime prescribed in Chapter 5 of the Local Public Service Act
 (4) Claims that, after the date of enforcement of the Constitution of Japan, destroying the Constitution of Japan or the government enacted under it by violence
    A person who has formed or joined a political party or other organization
 (5) A person who is to be based on the previous example pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revision of Part of the Civil Code (Act No. 149 of 1999)

4. Handling of Personal Information

The submitted documents and the personal information described therein will be used only for the purpose of this recruitment and appointment, and will be discarded promptly after the expiration of the storage period of the documents as administrative documents.
However, the personal information of the appointed person shall be used for employment management during the appointment period, and after the appointment is completed, it will be discarded immediately after the expiration of the retention period.

5.Application and contact information

Isogo Ward Office Children and Families Support Division
Recruitment of maternal and child health services staff
TEL: 045-750-2448 FAX: 045-750-2540

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