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  6. Press Release FY2022
  7. We raise opinions of all of you about establishment (plan) of "(tentative name) Yokohama disaster prevention park"!

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We raise opinions of all of you about establishment (plan) of "(tentative name) Yokohama disaster prevention park"!

Last Updated November 14, 2022

Press release materials

November 14, 2022

Fire Bureau Prevention Section

Uda Normal Thailand

Phone number: 045-334-6601

Fax: 045-334-6610

We have been promoting fire prevention and disaster prevention guidance for local residents through Yokohama City's own home disaster prevention system and the disaster drill Association, which firefighters go out to the community. However, due to changes in social structures such as aging and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of participants has decreased or fixed. Therefore, as a new initiative to provide more people with the knowledge necessary for disaster prevention, "Yokohama Disaster Prevention Park (tentative name) where you can learn about fire prevention and disaster prevention through content such as videos on the website, regardless of time or place Will be founded.

For summary of "(tentative name) Yokohama disaster prevention park", we raise opinions of all of you widely. The opinions received will be used as a reference when considering the establishment of the (tentative name) Yokohama Disaster Prevention Park.

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Page ID: 976-860-686


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