

Here's the text.

Target buildings

Last Updated April 1, 2021

Subject to regulatory measures

Subject to regulatory measures
Substances, etc.Target applicationsTargetsCriteria
Compliance Obligation (Conformity Judgment) [Articles 11 and 12]Non-residentialSpecific building act
(Excluding specific extension and renovation)
Primary Energy Consumption Standards
Notification obligation [Article 19, etc.]Housing and Non-HousingFloor area that is not subject to compliance obligations ※New construction, extension or renovation of 300 m2 or moreOuter skin (residential portion only) and primary energy consumption standards
Obligation of explanation [Article 27]Housing and Non-HousingFloor area that does not fall under the obligations of conformity and notification obligations ※New construction, extension and renovation of more than 10 m2Outer skin (residential portion only) and primary energy consumption standards
※Floor area of areas excluding those with high openness

Regulatory measures related to extension and remodeling

The following table shows the regulatory measures applied to the extension and renovation of buildings.

Application of regulatory measures when the floor area of non-residential areas of existing buildings is less than 300 m2
The floor area of the non-residential part and the floor area of the non-residential part after the extension and renovationFloor area to be renovatedExtension and renovation of buildings newly built after April 2017Extension and renovation of existing buildings as of April 2017
Extension and renovation area exceeds 1/2 of the total area after extension / remodeling (outside specified extension / remodeling)Extension and renovation area is less than 1/2 of the total area after renovation (specific extension / renovation)
Other than the following:Other than the following:No procedure

The floor area of existing buildings is less than 300 m2


The scale of extension and renovation is more than 10m2 and less than 300m2

Obligation of Explanation (Article 27 of the Regulations)
300m2 or moreDuty of notification (Article 19 of this Regulation)
Both are 300m2 or moreObligation
(Article 12 of this Regulation)
(Article 12 of this Regulation)
Notification obligation (Article 3 of the Supplementary Provisions)

Application of regulatory measures when the non-residential floor area of existing buildings is 300 m2 or more
Floor area of extension and renovation of non-residential areasFloor area to be renovatedExtension and renovation of buildings newly built after April 2017Extension and renovation of existing buildings as of April 2017
Extension and renovation area exceeds 1/2 of the total area after extension / remodeling (outside specified extension / remodeling)Extension and renovation area is less than 1/2 of the total area after renovation (specific extension / renovation)
Less than 300m2Less than 300m2No procedure
300m2 or moreDuty of notification (Article 19 of this Regulation)
300m2 or moreObligation
(Article 12 of this Regulation)
(Article 12 of this Regulation)
Notification obligation (Article 3 of the Supplementary Provisions)

Buildings that are exempt from regulatory measures

1-1. Applications that do not require air conditioning equipment to be installed without having a living room

1) Items that store or install goods (including machinery, etc.) and do not need to adjust the temperature and humidity of the internal space due to the nature of the goods to be stored or installed.
Example) Car garages, bicycle parking lots, compost houses, warehouses or storage of dangerous goods at room temperature, substations, pump facilities related to water and sewage, governor stations or valve stations related to gas business, maintenance of roads Ventilation facilities, power receiving facilities, pump facilities, etc.

2) For breeding and houseing animals, there is no need to adjust the temperature and humidity of the internal space due to the nature of the animals to be bred or housed.
Example) Livestock barns, marine product farms or breeding grounds at room temperature, etc.

3) For the movement of people
Example: Public corridors

1-2. Applications that do not require air conditioning equipment due to high openness

Buildings that consist only of high open spaces among viewing halls, skating rinks, swimming pools, sports practice areas, shrines and temples.

2.Buildings such as cultural properties

Buildings designated or temporarily designated as national treasures, important cultural properties, important tangible folk cultural properties, special historical sites scenic natural monuments or historical sites scenic natural monuments according to the provisions of the Cultural Property Protection Law.

3.Temporary buildings specified by a Cabinet Order

Buildings that have been licensed under Article 85, Paragraph 5 of the Building Standards Act

Inquiries to this page

Building Planning Division, Housing and Architecture Bureau Building Guidance Department

Telephone: 045-671-4526

Phone: 045-671-4526

Fax: 045-550-3568

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Page ID: 925-287-609


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