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Evaluation of buildings using wood

Based on purpose of "policy about promotion of use of wood in Yokohama-shi building", we establish evaluation standard about wood use of building and commend building recognized as having remarkable achievement.

Last Updated March 29, 2024

Evaluation of wood use


In March 2024, we revised the outline of the evaluation and commendation of excellent buildings using wood.

Target of evaluation

The building shall satisfy all of the following:

  1. Thing which is built in the city (thing planned to be built)
  2. Other than detached houses
  3. Those using legal logging timber, etc. (planned to be used)

Method of evaluation

As shown in the following table, the evaluation of wood use is based on the “quantity evaluation” of wood use and the “quality evaluation” of wood use.
Those whose comprehensive evaluation (wood use evaluation) according to the levels of "quantity evaluation" and "quality evaluation" are A or S are eligible for the award.

Evaluation of Amount

The evaluation of the amount of wood used is the value obtained by dividing the volume of wood used for wooden construction and wood conversion of buildings by the total area of the building, and as shown in the following table, four stages from level 1 to level 4 Evaluate.
(In this case, when calculating the total area, the total area of the car garage etc. can not be included.)

Evaluation of Amount
Evaluation Use of wood
Level 4 0.10 m3/m2 or more
Level 3 0.05 m3/m2 or more and less than 0.10m3/m2
Level 2 0.01 m3/m2 or more and less than 0.05m3/m2
Level 1 0.002 m3/m2 or more and less than 0.01m3/m2

Evaluation of Quality

The quality of wood use is evaluated in four stages, from level I to level IV, according to the number corresponding to the following evaluation criteria (1) to (5), as shown in the following table.

[Evaluation by Effective Use]
 (1) Wood is used in areas visible from the surroundings of the target building, contributing to the promotion of the use of wood.
 (2) Wood is used in the interior space of the target building, contributing to rest, liveliness, health and comfort, etc.
 (3) In addition, wood is used on the premises to contribute to rest, liveliness, health and comfort, etc.
[Evaluation by wood production area]
 (4) More than 50% of the total volume of wood used in the target building is domestic timber.
 (5) More than 20% of domestic timber is the use of prefectural timber or local timber (* 1).

※1 Regional timber refers to timber produced in neighboring prefectures (the prefectures belonging to the Kanto Koshin region and Shizuoka prefecture) in consideration of the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during the transportation process and the production of timber.

Evaluation of Quality
Evaluation Number corresponding to the above (1) to (5)
Level IV 5
Level III 4
Level II 3
Level I 2

Comprehensive evaluation

Comprehensive evaluation of wood use
  Evaluation of Quality
  Level IV

Level III

Level II Level I
Evaluation of Amount Level 4 S S S A
Level 3 S S A


Reference: Indication of "use of wood" in the Yokohama City Building Environmental Performance Indication System

In the Yokohama City Building Environmental Performance Indication System, it is now possible to display "use of wood". For more information, please refer to the following page.

Inquiries to this page

Building Planning Division, Housing and Architecture Bureau Building Guidance Department

Telephone: 045-671-4526

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