

Here's the text.

Procedure for submission in 2024

Last Updated June 13, 2024

 Please prepare and submit the documents in accordance with the preparation manual.
 Submission deadline: As of July 31, 2024

(1) Presentation style

 From last year, the format of the basis calculation materials, submission forms, reports, and plans have been unified.
 Please download it from the link below.
 Presentation style (Excel: 2,513KB)
 [Correction history]
 ・2024.6.13 When changing the status of the company on the sheet at the beginning, information on past years is automatically displayed.

(2) Non-applicable notification (submitted if necessary)

 If you no longer meet the requirements, please submit a non-applicable notification.

(3) Power of Attorney (submitted if necessary)

 When submitting in the name of a person other than the representative, please submit it with a power of attorney from the representative.
 There is no rule in the form. For more information, please refer to the following reference form.
 Reference style (word: 26KB)

Preparation manual, entry example, etc.

The method of entering the submitted documents has been changed since last fiscal year. Please check the preparation manual before preparing the documents to be submitted.
Please refer to the examples of how to fill out the plan and report.

Preparation manuals, etc.
NameTarget person
Preparation manual

Common to all issues (PDF: 3,735KB)

Example of entryPlanCommon to all issues (PDF: 3,184KB)
ReportCommon to all issues (PDF: 3,644KB)
Criteria for determining the implementation status of priority measuresCommon to all issues (PDF: 1,856KB)

Use the business ID (last 3 digits) when creating the submission form.
If you do not know your ID, please check the "Introduction" sheet in the submission form Excel file.
The emission coefficients used in the ground calculation tool are the values shown in the following list of emissions coefficients for submission in FY2024.
 List of emission factors (Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculation, Report, Publication System) (Ministry of the Environment website) (outside site)

3 Submission method

Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System

 (1) Submission of the 2024 Global Warming Countermeasures Plan System
 Log in to the system from the link below and upload the required documents to be submitted.
 (If you are logged in to the system for the first time, you need to register for a new registration.) (external site)
 (2) [Not applicable notification] Submission of registration form not applicable to global warming countermeasures
 Please download and submit non-applicable report from the following link. (external site)

・Due to the need for seal, the submission of paper documents is no longer required from FY2021.

4 Others

 If you have any questions about how to prepare or submit documents, please contact the contact information at the bottom of the page.

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For inquiries to this page

Decarbonization/GREEN × EXPO Promotion Bureau Decarbonization Planning Promotion Division Planning

Phone: 045-671-4224

Phone: 045-671-4224

Fax: 045-663-5110

Email address:

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Page ID: 365-128-573


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